My Little Gecko Self

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My little gecko body crawls along the desert ground climbing upon my favorite rock, the rock that was colder than an iceberg. Upon that rock a vast ocean of sand expands in front of me beckoning me on. As I thought to myself and my little gecko body I take note to the cacti that surrounds my rock standing majestically, like old wise wizards ready to cast their final spell with arms outstretched calling upon the spheres of light within the sky. The winds would pick up, the freezing temperatures battering my little gecko body. The cacti fruit would wash the winds with a strong smell that was similar to a foreboding rose only worthy for a princes' eye to behold its beauty whilst pointy spikes guarded the fruits from the fiends. As the wind picks up it whistles a forbidden chorus into my little gecko ears luring me along whilst a soft symphony of crickets grow louder. Suddenly a cricket would pounce upon my rock, trespassing , in response my little gecko body launches forward and snaches up the trespassing cricket, and the cricket's chitin(Kite-en) crunches whilst I caste down my little gecko jaws. The crickets exoskeleton crunches within my little gecko mouth like a tacos shell. It squirmed and squirmed and squirmed like a cat stuck to a glue trap. The cricket's endtrials quench the hunger inside of my little gecko body and all that I and my little gecko body could think is, In 15 mins you can save 15% on car insurance. As I say that I see what seems to be a 1984 toyota van baading through as I take a last moment. The van runs over my little gecko body with a big fat squish.

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