Part 15: "Who Do You Trust?"

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"After my visit with Detective George." I snuck back home through the window and quit as a mouse. And as I had shut the window, my bedroom light had come on.  And sitting on the bed was Aunt Saraya.

And just like that I was busted.

(Saraya) Had a nice night. I'm busted, huh? No. No? No, you are not. I knew that you might do something like this. So, are you going to start going out every night fighting crime?

Not exactly. So you are just going to do this until you bring down the man who killed your Mom and Dad? Yes. And how is that going so far?

I talked to one of his men and gave him to that detective. But before I did, he did give me something. He told me that Walker was sending a man called Ravenstriker. Ravenstriker. So you have heard of this person too?

Yes, I have. But was he sent after Willow or was he sent after whatever you are calling yourself? He was sent after Willow. But that is not all. Walker wants my amulet back I think he knows about its power.

And if a crime boss wants a magical amulet then I cannot be good. And if he is sending someone dangerous after you then you need to become dangerous.

And how am I supposed to do that? Something told me to move. I did and Aunt Saraya fist had just missed me. And she told me. With a little help from a former Thief.

Get some sleep, we start in the morning. Meanwhile at Walker Towers. One of his workers told him. Sir, he's here. Show him in. As he enters the room all of Walkerd man.

We're all terrified of this man. There he is. I heard that he killed 25 men with just one arrow from his crossbow. I heard that he killed seven men while he was zip-tied to a chair.

I heard that he served a car crash caused by the flying guy. RavenStrike. Boss. I hear that you have a job for me. I do. He handed him a picture of me and told him. Here is your target.

A kid? You know that my price goes up if I have to kill a child. I know. But I need her to go away. Before this Friday. You have 24 hours to make her go away.

But, she has something that I want you to get for me from her. She has my cat amulet and I want it back. You don't have to worry, Sir. You know that I never quit.

But how do I find her? Our intel at the police station has been informed and is looking forward to working with you. Great. The hearing is this Friday at seven o'clock. I don't care what you have to do. Just make sure that this redhead is never heard from again.

Yes, sir. What about that detective guy? Don't worry about him. Are informed says that he has a plan for him. And what about this cat superhuman? Kill her too if she shows up.

Yes, sir. Do you have what I need?  Jenny? Walker spoke. She walked over to his desk placed on it a case and opened it, revealing a brand new crossbow called the silent death.

I can work with this. He took it and left to get to work. Once he left Walker told everyone. You can all relax now. And they all let out a sigh of relief.

The next day. I was still asleep until Misty leaped onto me, waking me up. Oh. Good morning, Misty. Can you get me my dream journal, please? She did and I wrote in it. Last night I was in some kind of future/fantasy city.

I guess Aunt Saraya sent you huh? Alright, I'm getting up. I got up and met my aunt in the living room. Oh, good you're awake. What did you do to the living room? I know that your mom and dad taught you how to fight.

You know how to fight like a human. But if you are going to do this and serve as well then you need to learn how to fight like a cat.

And how do we do that? She turned off the lights and started to hit me. You can sense threats. Now you need to know how to act. You have the abilities of a cat. Which means you can do more than just leap from wall to wall.

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