Author's Note

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I started this fic last year over on Tumblr. Life majorly got in the way, and I completely stopped writing, so I thought it was time (at my own pace) to start it up again.

If you are reading this right now and recognise the name from Tumblr, then yes, it is me, and no, someone hasn't stolen this fic. If you are a past Tumblr reader/follower, Hello again! I currently have some spare time, so it was a now-or-never scenario with these fics. I don't exactly know where I want to take it, but we'll see.

My writing is nowhere near the standard of some of the incredible writers on here, so please bear with me as I upload my work from Tumblr on here and start to update.

I'd suggest if you've started reading them on here stay on here reading them  as I will have all the fic uploaded tomorrow and would like to hear your feedback/suggestions. 

Thank you for your patience & the people on Tumblr; see you soon.

lw2awfc :]

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