When you leave

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"I think this is everything," Fate said peering at the packed boxes, her things in the OverRealm readied to shift to her new multiverse.

"Don't worry, if you forgot anything I'll send them on its way," Destiny giggled.

"Are you sure you can't come with me?" Destiny asked hopefully.

"Can't, in my final year of studying then need to get my blessing," Destiny said softly "But once I do, I hope to be assigned to your multiverse"

"I hope so too, we haven't been separated... ever," Fate admitted, as there parents lesser Gods had died when they were children. They'd gone through the guardian program, and the lesser God Order had looked after them till Fate moved out once old enough with Destiny. They still saw him now and then, but now neither of them needed a guardian.

"We'll be back before you know it," Destiny promised.

"Its a promise," Fate whispered.

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