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Clotho hummed thoughtfully, tapping at her glowing floating screen adjust multiverse variables.

Her eyebrows furrowed, there was a snarl in the deeper codes that was causing balance issues.

Great.. not something she wanted to see so early in a multiverse.

"Bad timing?"

"Not really... but apparently the core codes are snarled..." she sighed turning to her guest, she smiled a bit spotting Harmony.

"Ouch, how far is this multiverse seeded?" Harmony asked.

"So far just the first world, but its the balances and world creation aspects snarled," she moaned in dismay covering her face.

"Why not create a Creator?" they asked.

"Maybe... I don't know, a Creator is always chancy," Clotho admitted.

"Hey you did great in your lessons, I'm sure you'll create a great helper," Harmony said cheering them on.

Hours later Clotho slept in front of a glowing screen, almost finished script of her helped.

A tiny black pat patted her face, she didn't stir.

The paw owner a small black cat with maddened eyes stared at her, then gave a nasty grin.

"Lets the games begin," Chaos purred, paw swiping the screen making a few adjustments.

Giggling they touched a glowing paw on Clothos face.

Now... things would get fun.

For them of course.

Moments later they were gone.

When she woke Clotho saved the file, naming it Ink.

She couldn't wait to create him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2023 ⏰

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