Character Bio

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The Genius Stark, Book 2

Before Kiera leaves for her vacation and returning home to Yellowstone, she has some things to arrange. Luckily, she has JARVIS to help her as well as a high IQ. What happens when she finally returns home and learns truly about all of the problems that her family has been having? And what happens when she starts to fall for a dark haired cowboy?

Yellowstone x Fem Tony Stark Fanfiction

Character Bio

Character Bio

Name: Kiera (Dutton) Stark

Age: 22

Face Claim: Krysten Ritter

IQ: 270


Father - John Dutton

Mother - Evelyn Dutton*

Oldest Brother - Lee Dutton

Middle Brother - Jamie Dutton

Sister - Beth Dutton

Older Brother - Kayce Dutton

Surrogate Brother - Rip Wheeler

Nephew - Tate Dutton

Sister-in-Law - Monica Dutton

Birthplace: Yellowstone Ranch, Montana


Doctorate in Physics

Doctorate in Electrical Engineering

Doctorate in Computer Programming

Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Thermonuclear astrophysics

Graduated MIT by 16 with the above degrees


After graduating from High School at the age of twelve, Kiera was offered a full ride scholarship to MIT which she jumped right into with enthusiasm and eagerness. After graduating with four doctorates and a B.S. at 16, Kiera stays at home for a few months before leaving and not telling any one where she was going.

In reality, Kiera with her high IQ, had never felt like she fit in with the rest of the Dutton family - although the others always saw her as their ray of sunshine - and so she had left to go start up and run her own company: Stark Tech, named after her mother's maiden name. Kiera is now one of the richest women in the world and her inventions are used almost everywhere.

Check out Book 1 - The Genius Dutton before reading this!

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