Chapter 2: Suzy & Boris in: The Angel's Lair Rescue!

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(And yes, I spelled "albatroz" instead of "albatross" on purpose.) 

Suzana Montana's POV:

 I was dancing in my auditorium, swinging from the many ropes and hoops hung up on the ceiling as the moonlight made my body glow and shine. The amusement park I was in has been abandoned for decades now, but that didn't stop me from doing what I loved, which is to dance the night away (~live your life and stay young on the floor~). I am Princess Suzana Montana, leader of my crew the Carnies.

I then felt darkness take hold of me, and even though I tried to fight back, I couldn't. I awoke in a strange new place. The walls, flooring, and ceiling were all a very dark shade of yellow, outlined boldly in pure black. 

I looked at myself, noticing a change. The pink of my feather crown, ballerina outfit, and shoes that had pink were now different shades of dark yellow. The whites of my hair and outfit were also yellow. However, the blacks of my hair and outfit stayed black. 

I looked around the space I was in, taking it all in. I appeared to be in a small, hallway-like area. I looked behind me to see chopped boards and weird, black bubbling puddles. Wonder what happened there. I looked ahead of me to see boards, except their blocking the way forward. 

I could go the other way, but those puddles seem to mean trouble, so I guess forward it is.

I grip each board, one by one, and take them down, placing them carefully into a pile beside me as I work. After I remove the boards, I move forward. To my left is a space filled with more boards and some barrels, so I move ahead, where the hallway keeps going. 

The next area had more of that black substance foot deep on the floor. On the far wall, I can see golden writing that says: "BOO". Huh, weird. The minute I'm an inch away from even touching it, a strange, horrific creature emerges from it. I guess that's what "BOO" meant.

I quickly run the other way, going back to that room with the barrels and boards, which have somehow moved themselves so that I can pass them. I enter a passage of different hallways. Which way do I go? 

I then notice something peculiar. Footprints, made from that black inky substance (not canon, I just added it because Henry has already made his way through this part, but let's just say, Henry hit a detour during Chapter 3, which means Boris won't be, well, you know what, at the end of Chapter 3 and during Chapter 4).

I followed the footprints, eventually making it to an open door. Once I go through it, it shuts behind me, a board being triggered to fall and block it, keeping that creature out. Banging could be heard on the other side before stopping.

As I recollect myself (figuratively not literally), I decide to go through the door ahead of me. After I do, I enter a room filled with barrels, black stains, and old wooden shelves. I could see the walls had some holes in them, showing the inner boards. 

I then see a can rolling across the floor, along with the sound of shuffling boots. 

"Hello, is anyone there? You can come out, I don't bite, unless you're a threat," I say calmly, mumbling that last part. 

A fairly tall, canine-like creature wearing yellow overalls, gloves, and black boots walking out of the corner and in front of me. He, well, I think he's a he, has pie-cut eyes like most cartoon characters do. 

"Who are you?" I ask the cartoonish canine creature. Suddenly, everything goes black for me. 

I awaken a little later. I'm greeted by a ceiling and a ceiling fan. When I sit up right, I see a poster that has that same cartoonish canine creature. His name is apparently "Boris the Wolf". Didn't look much like a wolf to me, but who am I to judge? a

Anyways, I get off the cot I was lying on, brushing some dirt off my skirt as I look around the room I'm in. I notice the clock on the wall, which seems to be the smaller form of the creature that chased me a while ago, had golden ink around it, which extended the horns and limbs to be more, monstrous. Well, at least it's reality accurate. 

I exit the room, finding myself in a hallway with lots of leaks. I enter the nearest doorway to be met with a bathroom. When I look in the mirror, it's all blurry and cracked, and more golden writing that says: "Who am I now?"  What does that mean? 

I exit the bathroom and continue on. When I enter the next  open door, I see Boris sitting at a table. Next to his feet, I see more golden writing saying: "I'm sorry buddy". Huh, how peculiar. 

I walk up to the wolf, curious. I look to the left to see a door that has a lever mechanism next to it, but the lever is missing. Maybe Boris has it. I turn to him. 

"Hello there, Boris! My name is Suzana Montana, but Suzy for short," I tell him. He just stares and tilts his head. 

"I don't want to be rude, but can you understand me?" I ask politely. He shakes his head. 

"You can? Well, I don't mean to be rude, again, but are you mute?" He slightly nods, giving me a little bark to express he can't speak English. Sign language: "I know sign language, though."

"Okay then. So, what is this place?" Sign language: "This is my safehouse."

"Do you spend a lot of time here?" Sign language: "Yeah, mostly to avoid the monsters out there..."

"You mean creatures like that big, monstrous ink creature that was chasing me a while ago?" I ask, remembering that horrible chase sequence from earlier. He tilts his head. Sign language: "You mean the ink demon? I'm surprised you're still here in one piece! Anyways, yeah, he's one of the monsters. There are also Searchers, the Lost Ones, the Butcher Gang, and.....Alice Angel." 

"How can an angel be a monster?" I ask, confused. He whimpers and lowers his head. Sign language: "She.....has done horrible things to the creatures down here, especially to my kind, the Boris clones. I.....don't want to talk about what she does to them......but it's not pretty, which is ironic because she uses the remains to make herself more pretty. 

Even though I'm scared of her, I did help a friend get through her lair, or tried to at least. His name is Henry, and.....I don't know what happened to him. I waited for him for a long time, but he never came back after completing one of the tasks Alice gave him! So, I ran back to my safehouse. I've been collecting bits of supplies here and there to at least go exploring a little bit into the Angel's lair, to see if Alice decided to use him for her "make-up". I'm really scared of going in there, but Henry helped me, and I helped him, and he's one of the very few kind souls left in this studio, so, I'm willing to take a chance to find him."

"Well, if you want, I could help you look for him! I'm great at finding PR-eh-people and other things! And I can protect you as well from all the monsters! Would you be glad with that?" I propose (not the marriage kind) to him. 

He seems a little uneasy and confused when I almost said "prey" instead of "people", but he does look glad that I'm willing to help him find his friend & protect him. 

Deep within me, though, I crave the urge to just take a "piece" of him to satisfy the monster within me, but I retain myself from doing so. It's better to have a friend than a foe in a place that is not my own. I'd be a fool to think otherwise. Besides, I can tell, he is a kind soul. Maybe a little shaken & scared, but still kind nonetheless. 

I waited for him to finish some bacon soup he was eating, since, according to him, he was hungry. He offered me some, but I told him that I didn't need food. Truth is, even though I am an animatronic, I can consume food, but it isn't vital to me, mostly... 

After he finished eating, we made our way out of the safehouse, into the unknown.

To the lair of a crazy angel.

Animatronics in the Inky StudioTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang