Chapter 3: Pyro and the Ink Demon in: Battle of the Horns!

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Pyro the Fire Dragon's POV: 

I was flying through the skies above Dragon Peaks, the abandoned attraction me and my crew live. My name's Pyro the Fire Dragon, leader of the Dragon animatronics.

Suddenly, I felt myself pulled into a black void. Everything went dark. When I opened my optics, I saw before me a weirdly shaped throne, surrounded by TV screens &....*sniff* *sniff* What? 

Suddenly, I felt myself pulled into a black void. Everything went dark. When I opened my optics, I saw before me a weirdly shaped throne, surrounded by TV screens &....*sniff* *sniff* What? 

Suddenly, I felt myself pulled into a black void. Everything went dark. When I opened my optics, I saw before me a weirdly shaped throne, surrounded by TV screens &....*sniff* *sniff* What? 

The whole area around me were disgusting shades of yellow outlined in black, smelling rotten & filthy. The place reeked of something dead, well, lots of things dead, but not exactly dead, I don't know how to explain it. 

I turned around to see an archway entrance, followed by a long narrow hallway, shadowed in complete darkness. While looking back, I caught a glimpse of my wings. Instead of fiery red & orange, it was in the same shades of yellow as the atmosphere around me. I looked down at my body, looking at my talons as I examined every detail of my body that I could. My scales looked like they were dull gold, with each & every  detail outlined in black. It was all so confusing for me. 

While examine myself, I heard a noise in front of me. I looked forward to at the throne to see this huge, ugly beast made of ink. It had longs claws, curved yet sharp horns, & rows of sharp teeth that looked somewhat like a smile. It glared at me & growled, unsheathing it's claws. I immediately got into a defensive position, my talons unsheathed & my wings raised high. My tail swishing back & forth dangerously behind me, the bladed tip on the end ready to slice & dice. I growled to him in response, not saying a word, knowing already that this creature won't bother listening to any words I have to say. 

He immediately runs & tries to pounce on me, but I quickly fly up, making him land hard on the floor of the hallway behind me. He growls, glaring at me, possibly trying to figure out how to fight me now that it knows I can fly. I quickly do a fake dive-bomb, tricking it into thinking I'm dive-bombing it, but I'm actually teasing it. As it tries to block my attack with one arm, & swat me away with the other, I pull back just in time, giving me enough time to quickly fly around & behind it, pouncing onto it's back, causing serious damage to it. It screams in pain, trying to claw me from behind, stabbing at it's back to try & impale me. I dodge swiftly & smoothly, scratching at his claws or tail whenever they did get close. 

I get close enough to it's neck to impale my talons into it's neck, biting deeply into it as well, even swallowing some of the inky blood & flesh as well. It screams more, eventually getting an iron grip on my torso, throwing me off it's back, which makes me crash into one of the walls near the throne room. I growl out loud, immediately getting back up & raising my wings up to fly, but a chain was thrown at my outstretched wings, enclosing them & making me unable to fly. 

I roar in fury, getting on all fours as I charge at the beast, pouncing in front of it. I wasn't close enough to it's face to actually get a good hit on it, but I was close enough to breathe fire in it's face. It was roaring excessively in pain at my flames, covering it's face with it's clawed hands. 

I smirked, knowing I was causing it pain. When I thought I was winning the fight, a black, goopy, inky hand grabbed me from behind, taking me with it through the inky portal it came from. 

I started drowning in ink. Thank goodness I don't need to actually breathe, but my flames were dampened now, barely able to get a spark out of my mouth.  And with my wings clamped by those chains, I won't be able to use them to my advantage of wading out of the ink quicker. 

I feel inky hands trying to grasp at me, pull me in deeper & deeper, but they fail. Are they trying to get me to merge with the ink? Well too bad for them, cause I don't think metal & ink go together. 

I hope someone will find me soon. 

Cause I don't know how long I can stay active in this inky abyss. 

Or if I can get out of it myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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