friday 12pm

49 3 0


It felt like suddenly the sun had started shining less brightly. She sighed, knowing quite well it wasn't that, and that it definitely was someone's shadow blocking her from the vitamin D she had been craving all week leading to this trip.

She opened one eye, looking through her sunglasses up at... the least person she had wanted to encounter.

"Sun", she waived her hand in the air. Soobin was looking down at her with a small smirk and wearing a white button shirt (deliberately not buttoned) and some swim trucks with the waistband of his Armani black boxers saluting her.

"Yes, honey?"

"Move", she rolled her eyes, even though she could feel her cheeks flaring up.

Maia knew it was her fault. She had started this the moment she replied sarcastically to him, and was intentionally rude. She knew they could stumble upon each other, but she wasn't expecting it to be this soon.

Those flights of stairs had been the death of her, and she had finally gotten some peace at the beach bed she was currently laying in, under the sun that she was no longer feeling on her skin.

"Listen, bickering has been fun and all, but now I want sun", she sternly said. "Sun and my Lao Khao", she added.

"Do you want company, by any chance?", he asked, a small smile making his dimples appear.

"Nah, thanks", she smiled back.

His eyes were not leaving her body and she didn't know if she wanted to feel flattered or embarrassed. She had been working for this body her entire life, and she knew some men were appealed by her looks. But now, in front of a dumb idol, wasn't exactly what she had expected her "stealing all the looks" to be.

She wanted Thai men. Single men in vacation. Damn, even the barman was hot enough. But not an idol. And more importantly, not Soobin.

"Too bad", he jumped over the head rest of the beach bed and fell sitting on the one next to her. "This seems to be the best spot for a sunny morning"

She groaned but didn't say anything back.

"Wanna know why I'm here? You intrigue me", he smiled simply.

She rolled her eyes and turned her head the other way.

"There's not many people that intrigue me, but you... you do", his stupid honey voice was making her feel all mellow and melty.

But there was no way she was going to let him win this.

So she stayed silent.

"Oh, c'mon! I'm trying here".

"Well, you shouldn't bother", she replied and a smile grew on her lips. "You don't have a chance here, champ".

"Well, I guess we will see about that, won't we?", he beamed at her and then walked towards the pristine water.

Maia sighed and finally settled down on her beach bed. Nope, she was not gonna let him or anything ruin her trip. No chance.

longest weekend; soobinWhere stories live. Discover now