Let The Chaos Rise

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Jade has been added to the group chat.

Say hi! 

Human Caterpillar: Nezu did you hire someone?

Nezu: No, I don't believe I did. 

Ear rape: It also doesn't show who added them either!

Human Caterpillar: God you're too loud. 

R18: But he typed that though? 

Human Caterpillar: Ok and? 

Nezu has attempted to remove the admin from chat.  

Attempt failed. 

R18: Ha! Nezu's admin privileges were revoked- 

Nezu: this is rather concerning, as I encrypted the group chat 

Human Caterpillar: virtual villain attack?

Ear Rape: W o w that's the first time someone's gotten through Nezu's encryption

Jade Is online.

Jade: what is this roleplay chat? 

R18: mmm I very much prefer foreplay

Ear Rape: who are you little listener? 

Jade: Well, y'all really in character huh?

Nezu: We can assure you, random person, that we are not 'roleplaying' as you so put it.

Jade: Uh-huh sure okay, yk what I'll just go.

Jade attempted to leave the group chat.

Attempt failed. 

Jade: Ayo, wtf?

Human Caterpillar: but it said you were admin before?

Jade: it does say I am admin, however it's not

letting do anything, or leave

Nezu: this could be a villain attack, Jade who are you?

Jade: can you see my username, Tho?

Or are you asking me to roleplay as one of the pro heroes?

Because you refuse to break character.

Ear Rape: we're not roleplaying!

Human Caterpillar: this could be a distraction for a villain attack

Jade: JFC y'all are weirdos, however the acting is spot on though.

Jade: but why doesn't Nezu have a nickname?

Nezu: they couldn't come up with one that is imaginative enough

R18: Why are you befriending a potential threat?

Jade: puh-lease, that's easy

Nezu: then please feel free to change it

Nezu: as for R18 they don't seem to be a threat

Nezu's name has been changed to RatGod

R18: ...

Human Caterpillar: ...

Ear rape: ...

RatGod: that is acceptable

Ear rape: HE LIKED IT?!?!

Human Caterpillar: I can hear you screaming from the lounge

Human Caterpillar: shut up

Jade: awesome. How did y'all not think of that before?

Jade: Literally everyone in the fandom either calls him Rat God or Rat Satan

R-18: Nezu's fans call him that?

Jade: Depends on which fans you're talking about.

Jade: if you're talking about the fans in his world then no

Jade: but out of the characters world

Jade: Or in this case since y'all are reluctant about not breaking character-

Jade: in 'my' world 90% of us call him that

RatGod: hm.

Ear rape: that's an ominous hm

Rat Satan: And why do the fans of your old call me that or God?

Jade: uh? Cuz it's Nezu

jade: if you're roleplaying him then you know his background, right?

R-18: how tf-

RatGod: yes, I am aware

Jade: okay so it'd make sense, with his quirk and unspoken distaste for the

Human species it's only logical that he'd be one of the scariest

mf's to piss off, not to mention his apparent lack of being able to express

Genuine emotions with everything he's been through it's not that hard to realize

That he's perfectly capable of using underhanded tactics like hacking or

Blackmail for the betterment of his school.

Jade: if he ever went villainous you would all be doomed,

with his trauma of the human species, and his experience with

animal cruelty and animal experiment, he could singly-handedly take

Down the hero society.

Jade: Ergo Ratgod, his species remains unnamed and he's intelligent

Plus, emotionally indifferent enough to rule just about anything.

Human Caterpillar: ...

R18: ...

Ear rape: ...

Ratgod: That's quite interesting Jade

Human Caterpillar: where did you get this information?

Jade: uh I watched the anime, read a little, and used my inner Izuku Midoriya

Human Caterpillar: What do you want with my problem child?

Therapy for all: ... you want a job?

Jade: Lmfao y'all are wild, I can't be employed by a fictional character

Jade: ah shit I gtg, I need to do school assignments

Ear rape: you're a KID?!?!

Jade: lol yea, I'm doing online schooling

Jade: Ttyl! 

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