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No matter how hard he tried to forget, the image of a serious, slightly stern, but at the same time with touches of unease, look never left his thoughts. The next morning, Film returned to the cafe in hopes of encountering the same barista, but disappointment struck him as soon as he caught the silhouette of a girl behind the counter, who smiled widely as she saw a new customer. Film replied to her the same way, attempting to quell the growing dissatisfaction. Asking her to make that same 'White Forest' coffee and taking it to go, he sadly noted a completely different taste. Bitter. Cloying. A disrupted balance.

Or is all of this his personal self-deception?

Whatever it might have been, Film's mood vanished in an instant, causing his colleagues to keep their distance from him. Throughout all the lectures, the corners of his lips never lifted upwards. There was no sign of his usual, feigned smile. No sarcastic comments or cutting remarks emerged. Despite Film's reputation, the students weren't afraid to approach him, ask questions, or share their opinions, but today, everyone tiptoed around, fearing to utter even a single word.

And all because of the coffee.

"...Film!" The man jerked, lifting his head slightly in mild surprise at the interlocutor whose gaze seemed to penetrate him. "Are you even listening to me?"

"Yes, Mr. Not, I am listening attentively," Film automatically replied, pulling his coffee cup closer. This meeting, much like the client himself, interested him the least, but he had to do his job. So, lounging indifferently in his chair, he continued, "But I fail to comprehend what you want from me. I've already sent you all the analyses of your company, based on which I've identified the key strategic issues and potential solutions. So, what is the purpose of this meeting?"

The man across frowned in displeasure, and Film noticed a spark of anger in his eyes. Yes, today was clearly not his day.

"I was talking about you quitting your university job and becoming a full-fledged employee of my company. Such analytical skills shouldn't go to waste," Not slowly stated, glancing at his wristwatch. "In any case, I have a meeting in fifteen minutes, so I have to go. But I hope you'll consider it and make the right decision. The salary is substantial, as is the job."

Film smirked mockingly, but the smirk didn't reach his eyes. Pushing his coffee cup aside and rising from his chair, he adjusted his jacket, looking down on the client from above.

"I'm afraid that doesn't interest me, but I appreciate the offer, Mr. Not," Film replied.

The man pursed his lips, rising from his seat as well. Locking eyes with Film, he spoke confidently:

"Don't make hasty decisions. Once you've thought it all through, get in touch with me. I can provide you with everything a human being needs."

And Film couldn't help but feel a sense of disdain for such self-assuredness, nodding as he left the office. Outside, the rain was falling again, and once more, Film found himself without a car today.

A feeling of disgust consumed him. When he first started working as a consultant for Not Vorarit's company, he had no idea things would turn out like this. The man reminded him of his father. Looking into those self-assured eyes, he felt as though he was regressing into childhood, cursing every day of his existence.

He hated it. He hated that feeling of vulnerability. He hated being so defenseless.

Film wanted to go home. He wanted to open a bottle of whiskey and empty it, falling into a deep sleep. He wanted to take a vacation and get away as far as possible. For some reason, today he felt exhausted. Too exhausted to smile.

The rain showed no sign of stopping, continuing to flood the streets of Bangkok. Once again, Film found himself seeking refuge under the canopy of the 'Mint Vinetu' cafe. However, this time he hesitated to step inside, standing by the door beneath the shelter, weary, and gazing tiredly at the raindrops.

Not's words troubled him. The man was right - he could offer Film more than his university job, but...

Film enjoyed teaching. He enjoyed interacting with the students. This job granted him an unfamiliar sense of freedom. And even if just for a moment, he could be who he had always wanted to be.

"Why don't you come inside?" came a voice from behind, causing Film to startle, abruptly turning around to find himself face to face with yesterday's barista. A serious gaze, a crease on the forehead, and clear excitement in his expression. Suddenly, Film became curious about the source of this emotion. "You'll catch a cold for sure if you keep walking in the rain like this every time."

And for the first time in all day, Film allowed himself to genuinely smile, feeling something warm in his chest. After that, he burst into laughter, causing the barista to frown even more, apparently questioning the sanity of the customer.

"Sorry, sorry, it's been a tough day," Film said with a sigh, still smiling. And all the worry vanished in an instant, replaced by a strange curiosity to get to know the barista better. The latter raised an eyebrow in surprise, but realizing that the person before him wasn't quite the typical customer, clicked his tongue and opened the cafe door:

"Come on in. I'll make you a warm coffee and bring you a towel."

"It seems like I'm starting to love the rain," Film said contentedly, following the barista inside.

P.S. A new chapter here. 🖤

I will keep writing this story and will try to upload it more often. Hopefully, you enjoy it. 🥺🖤

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