The death

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They just stood there, their eyes were still black. I remember one of them said 'It's dinner time'
I had to fight back they wanted to drink for me, they wanted to kill me. My heart was pounding I was scared, I just thought what would Klaus do? Fight! I used a pain infliction spell on them but my fear was too strong, I am not my father I am not strong I am the weak Mikaelson. I tried to run but one of them kicked my legs and I fell over. He climbed on top of me and he was about to bite me when I used another spell and flew him into the wall. I shouted 'incendia' he went into flames, which just made the other two more angry. I just killed someone, who am I? This is not me, I don't run away! I don't kill!
My head suddenly started to hurt really bad. My eye lit up the alleyway, the light was like an amber colour. I sore my chance and I ran but no human can out run a vampire. One of them ran up behind me and snapped my neck. He did it like it was nothing. My body just laid there. The other vampires didn't even drink for me they just ran away. I don't remember what happened when I died. Did I go to Haven? Did I go to peace? Did I go to 'the other side'? What was going to happen next?

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