This Is Real...

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"Yo, what up guys this is Cam and Shelby and we're here at... The Grey Wolf Manor!!!" Cam howls like a wolf towards the sky. Shelby laughs after he does that and looks towards the camera, "We're going to spend the night here at Grey Wolf Manor and the locals here say that this place is so haunted that no matter what time of day it is you'll always get activity" when all of sudden the camera along with the tripod topples over on itself. 

"Ah!" Shelby lunges forward to catch the device before it hits the ground. Shelby turns the camera over just to see that it's turned off. She presses the power button but no response from the device. "It's...dead?" she looks at Cam confused as the evening air sends a chill their way. Cam shivers and gestures toward the building "Let's head in and we'll talk more there." The duo walks into the building and once Shelby comes in Cam shuts the door behind her "We charged the camera before filming. How could it just die?" he asked. 

Shelby shrugs as she pulls out a spare battery "I'll just switch the batteries and we'll get back into doing the video." As she does that Cam walks around the main entrance of the manor admiring all the old decor, "They have really done a good job keeping this place maintained." Shelby joins him with a now-powered camera "The guides did say that they get frequent visitors because you are guaranteed to experience something here, so why not spruce up the place?" She shakes the camera happily in his view "We're back on!"

Now Cam and Shelby are continuing the video explaining the history of the manor. "Now to address the wolf in the room" he winks to Shelby proud of his terrible joke. She rolls her eyes and continues "Back when this building was built the owners had a fascination with wolves which explains some of the wolf decor, but neighboring homeowners that lived in the area had to defend their lands from nearby wolves except-" Howling echoes throughout the building causing both Cam and Shelby to jump in their seats looking from where they thought it originated from.

Both Cam and Shelby were on the second floor of the manor when Cam got up and inched quietly over to where the staircase was. "Shelby..." he whispers her name as he looks back at her, "There is a wolf... an honest-to-God wolf in here..." Shelby gasps quietly and freezes in place as she starts hearing the sounds of sniffing from the wolf Cam mentioned. The wolf climbed up the stairs and started growling as if it caught the scent of something...or someone.

Cam stood there quietly in prayer hoping the wolf wouldn't realize that they were there. The wolf snaps its attention towards Cam and shows its teeth noticing their presence. Cam's heart nearly jumps out of his chest, he looks back at her and yells "Run!" The wolf barks and starts running towards them. Shelby screams as she runs right behind Cam "In there in there!" She pushes Cam into a room and shuts the door behind them.

The wolf mercilessly throws its body against the door wanting to get at them. "Ah" Shelby puts all her weight against the door so that the wolf cant break it down. "Cam! Help!" she yells out for him. Cam gets next to her and puts his weight against the door too. The snarling, clawing, and scratching went on for a while as Cam and Shelby held against the door for dear life. Once again they hear the wolf howl and everything goes silent.

Time passes...

1 minute




Cam feels like he can finally breathe when he looks at Shelby and asks "I-i think it's gone Shel.." Shelby frozen in place is looking at the floor "W-we could've... we could still be..." She meets his gaze and asks "A-are we going to die Cam...?" Cams heart breaks seeing Shelby get like that as he puts a hand on her cheek, "We are not going to die Shelby... I don't want to hear you say something like that..." Cam can now feel how much she is shaking as her words tremble out of her mouth "B-but-" She couldn't say another word as Cam locked lips with her. They stayed like that for a while until Cam could feel that she was no longer shaking.

He disconnects their kiss and gave her a soft smile "I need my kickass Shelby to get through this okay...?" She turns red but smiles "You never lost her to begin with." They crack the door open and when they see that there was no sign of the wolf they opened it wide. Cam steps out and surveys their surrounds. "Cam... that wolf was real right?" Shelby asks as she stares at the door to the room they were just in. "Of course it was real Shelby? How could it not be?" he follows her gaze and sees where the question came from.

The door that the wolf beat against appeared undamaged. No claw marks, no indents, and not even signs that a wolf just chased them. Cam gets a shiver down his spine and tells her "Okay we gotta go. This is too real" He marches down the hall to where they left their camera to find the figure of a man standing by the camera. "H-huh?! Who are you?!" The man turns to face him and Cam shouts out "Lord Lycan?!" Shelby dashes over to him to see what scared him and she looks at the camera seeing no one.

"I don't see anyone here, Cam" Shelby walks over to the camera checking if it's still recording. The camera is still turned on to her surprise. Cam again feels the same cold shiver he got before they walked into the manor and he gets this dreadful feeling. "Shelby... take a picture of me" he requests her. Shelby tilts her head in confusion by obeyed the request. She took a photo and screamed dropping the camera. "What?! What is it?!" Cam asks rushing over to pick up the camera. "There was a creepy old man right behind you!" Shelby says hugging herself from the fear she experienced. 

Cam goes to the latest image and sees the same man that was just by the camera. "Its Lord Lycan... the man that had this Manor built..." He looks at Shelby with wide fear in his eyes. "He's still living in this manor..." he leans back against the wall in shock with everything that is happening so far. Shelby shakes her head in disbelief "Cam... everything the locals has shared with us is happening" She lays her head back against the couch they were using to record for the channel. 

Cams eyes are just glued to the image of Lord Lycan standing behind him. Tall, old, yet athletic build, grey eyes, victorian era clothing, receding grey hair. Cam starts laughing softly then breaks out laughing loudly. The sudden laugh makes Shelby uncomfortable as she looks over in his direction, "What are you laughing about?" He looks at her in near tears as she does not know if it's from fear or from how hard he was laughing.

"Remember the story of the Lycan Family?" Cam asked her chuckling. Shelby nods and says "Yes, the neighbors always had trouble with wolves except the Lycans." Cam stands back up so quick almost as if he had an idea "Exactly! Yet here we were attacked by a wolf INSIDE the house!" Shelby understood the irony and laughed for a bit "Yeah you're right." Cam walks over to the nearby window that Shelby is facing from the couch.

'She's dead'

Cam looks back at Shelby and asks "Shel did you say something?" She looks at him puzzled "No?"

'You killed her'

"W-what?" he shakes his head as he gets a piercing headache. "What's wrong with me?"

'The wolf got to her. You left her behind'

"N-no what?!" he looks back at Shelby and in her place was still her but... her eyes were lifeless. There were bloody teeth marks between her neck and shoulder and her clothes were tattered. 

'It's all your fault!'

"Get. Out. Of. My. HEAD!" Cam yells as he wakes up gasping seeing a alive and well Shelby looming over him. She was in tears kneeling down with his head on her lap. She noticed he woke up and said "You're awake!" She brought him in close for a hug and wept. Cam speaks almost in a raspy voice realizing they were still in the manor, "What happened?" Through her tears she explains "You went over to the window, looked outside, and you just collapsed. I didn't know what to do."

Cam smiles loving her embrace the more time passed as he hugs her back "Let's call it a night Shel..." She agrees with a soft "Mhm..." she kisses his forehead before letting him go. Cam and Shelby packed up their things, loaded up their car, and Cam looked back at the house. He jumped a little out of his skin when he saw Lord Lycan looking back at him from the porch of the house. He nods to Cam almost as if wishing him well and dissipates into nothing.

"We'll be back Lord Lycan..." Cam says as he drives away from the manor to the sound of wolves howling in the background

This is Real...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora