Yours - Stony

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Everyone knows who is Tony stark.

Genius, billionaire, playboy and philanthropist.

But there is something that no one knows about him.

He's autistic.

Yeah, you heard it.

Since he's autistic, he has some special needs.
One of them it's a comfortable clothes.
Tony is not a real fan of suits and tight clothes. But the only reason Tony does that, is because he doesn't want anyone to know that he has ASD.
When he's alone he would let himself be the real himself.
Wear what he want, stimming around, watch his favorite tv shows and eat his comfort food in the way he loves.

One day tony was bored so he went to Steve's room to take one of his shirts or hoodie and tony loved it.
He love the way it sits on him, the smell of Steve on them and the fabric.

So Tony kept stealing Steve's shirts or hoodies.

Tony was the living room. Sitting on he couch, watching tv and eating his favorite snack while he's wearing Steve's hoodie.
Suddenly tony hear steps. Someone's back to the tower.
Tony was caught  off of guard. So he immediately turn off the tv and take his StarkPad to his hands and starts to do stuff.
Then Steve walk in.
Tony look up of his StarkPad.

"Hi Steve" tony greet him.

"how are you?" Steve asks.

"Doing well" Tony answers.

Steve nod and then asks.

"Why are you wearing my hoodie?" Steve asks.

Tony's eyes wide and look down to see the Steve's hoodie that he wears.

"Ummm. I can explain" Tony says.

"Ok. Then explain" Steve says. Waiting for tony explain.

"I... I... " Tony went quite. He wasn't ready when Steve will find out about it. So he starts to panic and starts to have a meltdown.

Tony get his knees close to his chest and put his head on his knees.

Steve watch what is happening. He never saw Tony like that.
Steve walk and sit next to Tony.

"I'm sorry" Tony whisper.

"You sorry for what?" Steve asks.

"I'm sorry for begin childish. It's stupid" Tony mumbles.

"No. It's ok." Steve says with soft voice.

Tony starts to sob. Steve's eyes wide, all this new to him. Steve doesn't know how to react.

Steve pull tony into a hug. Look down to tony who's hugging him back and rock a bit.

"Please tell me what's wrong. You worry me" Steve says.

"I.... I don't know how to" start tony admit.

"Well. Start with a question. Is there something that you didn't told me or the team?" Steve asks.

"There is..." Tony says and look up to Steve.

"Can you tell me"? Steve asks.

Tony nod slowly.

"Then tell me. I'm here to listen" Steve says.

"I have ASD" tony says.

Steve is surprise to hear this from Tony.

There is a moment of silence. Tony is afraid that Steve might hate him or something.

"That's ok. I'm still your friend. Let's move to the second question. Why are you wearing my hoodie?" Steve asks.

"Because I have sensory issues, I need to have stuff that can calm me down and help me with the issues. Your hoodies are perfect for my needs". Tony says and look away from Steve.

Steve let out a small laugh. Tony look back to Steve with weird expression. Tony didn't expected from Steve laugh about it.

"Why are you laugh? I didn't say anything funny" Tony asks.

"Right. You didn't say anything funny. I laugh because you like to wear my hoodies and it's kinda cute." steve explain.

"Ah...." Tony starts to blush

"Is that Tony Stark blushing?" Steve tease him.

"Y-yeah?" Tony says. He put his head on Steve's chest.

"Do you know why are you blushing?" Steve asks.

"Maybe?" Tony says. He's unsure about himself.

"It's ok if you don't know" Steve says with small smile.

"I should give it back to you" Tony says and starts to take off Steve's hoodie but Steve's stop him.

"You can keep it on. Actually, you can keep it" Steve says.

"Are you sure?" Tony asks.

"Yeah. You look cute with it. Better when I wear them." Steve says. He and Tony are still hugging etch other.

"Thank you" Tony whisper.

"Your welcome" Steve says.

"Are you sure about keeping this?" Tony asks.

"Yeah. I want it be yours." Steve says.

"Can I be yours?" Tony asks. Tony look into Steve's blue eyes.

Steve was taken back by Tony's question.

Tony move his face closer to Steve. Steve stare at Tony's face.

There's something about Tony's face that it makes him want to kiss him.

So he does.

Steve lean in and kiss him.

Steve feel Tony's sweet lips kissing him gently.

They pull away. Steve can't stop thinking about the taste of Tony's lips.

"Can I be yours?" Tony repeat his question.

"Yes you can" Steve says and he lean in tony to kiss him again.

Now Tony belong to Steve and Steve belong to Tony.

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