Chapter 1 the beginning

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I walk into my room and fall onto my bed. I often did this, after I'd had practice with my father. My father, was a strict teacher. He said that in order for me to become a strong and dependable leader, I needed to get stronger. I hate training. 
"Paul" shouts my mum. I get up off my bed and go see what she wants. I walk out of my room and head towards the stairs. When I get to the stairs, however, I see my mum on the ground with a man standing atop her body. I rush down to her, to see if she's ok. 
Mum!!" I shout "Mum what happened?" I ask her
"R-run Paul.. their after you!" She exclaims. I look up to see that the man that's atop my mothers body is smiling. I stand up, and begin to run to the back door. When I get to the back  door, however, I see two more men standing there waiting for me. I begin to freak out. I pass out, and when I come too, I see some man holding me. I don't know who they are. They look down at me. 
"Are you ok?" They ask me
I get up, and reply "I'm fine" I hold my head in my hands, trying to remember what had happened. Nothing. I can't remember what had happened, after those two men appeared at the back door. The man tries to comfort me. I push his hand away, in fear. "I'm not going to hurt you" he says.
After the man says that, I hear my alarm clock start to buzz. I wake up and press the button to stop it. I get out of bed, get dressed and head downstairs. When I walk downstairs. I see the man from my dream. He decided to adopt me, after telling me what happened. His name is Derek. He's my foster father. There's a girl sitting next to him as well. That's his biological daughter, who just so happens to be the same age as me. She's also stronger than me as well, both physically and magically. The girl stands up, to greet me.
"Morning Paul"
"Morning Misa" I reply, I walk past her and grab a bowl. I get some cereal and pour them into the bowl. I walk over to the fridge, and grab the milk and put the milk onto the cereal. I grab a spoon and begin eating my cereal. 
"Are you ready to get your arse kicked again?" She asked
"No" I reply "You know that I can't beat you" I told her
She hesitates for a second, as if she's hiding something. "No, of course not. I'm just better than you" she replies. I continue to eat my cereal. When I finish my breakfast, Derek walks into the kitchen. "Paul" I turn to meet his gaze "You're going to be starting school tomorrow.."
"Why? I thought you said that I wasn't allowed to go to school?" I asked
"Well.. the situations, changed just a bit. You're required to attend school.. Misa will be there with you." He said, I grunt and walk past him "this is for your own good. One day, once everything is revealed to you, you'll be thanking me for sending you to this school to train" after he said that he goes outside and I walk upstairs.
A few hours pass, and all I've done is play games. Honestly, sometimes it is kind of boring to play games all day. Misa sometimes comes and plays with me, but lately she's been busy doing something else. Both Misa, and father are hiding something from me. 'I wonder what their hiding' I thought. I shrug the thought from my mind, and continue to play my games. 
"Run Paul!" Exclaimed my mum. I wake up in a cold sweat in the car, unknowing that my life was about to change forever. I look around, a bit confused at why I was in the car. "I thought you'd died" said Misa
"Ha Ha, very funny" I replied
"Enough you two, we're nearly there" 
"Nearly where?" I asked 
"To your new school" he replied. Suddenly, I see this massive building emerge from out of nowhere. I jaw drops as father drives us closer to the school. He drives to the parking lot. We get out of the car and he gestures, for us to follow him inside the building.
When we get into the building, father goes to sit with the other parents whilst me and Misa go and sit with the other students, that are entering the school. Suddenly, the entire room goes quite. 'Were they waiting for us?' I think to myself. Suddenly, a woman appears onto the stage in front of the students. "Welcome to the academy of magic. It looks like we have more students, this year than the last.." she scans the room "you all should be very lucky, to be coming to this school this year.. The chosen one, said to vanquish the mighty Prometheus, is said to appear in this group of new students. Now, we will need to check how much magic you posses.." she pulls out a crystal ball. "All you need to do is to put your hand onto this ball, and it'll asses your magic. Now the first person to come up is... You!" She points to my sister. She stands up, and heads onto the stage. "Now, put your hands onto the ball.." my sister, does what the woman says. The crystal ball glows purple. "Oh, wow. You've got one of the highest magic capacities that I've ever seen.." she's interrupted by my sister.
"If you're impressed by my magic capacity, just wait until you see my brothers!" She exclaims. She looks at Misa shiftily. She calls the next person up. And the next.. And the next. 
After a couple of hours, I'm finally called up. I see my sister smirking, as I walk up to the crystal ball. 'Jackass' I thought, as I put my hand onto the crystal ball. However, instead of having the ball be dimly lit, It's sparkling all across the room. 

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