Chapter 2 destiny

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The room is bathed, in the warm glow of my mana. Everyone is flabbergasted apart from Derek and Misa. I let go of the crystal ball and fall to the floor. "H-how is that even possible?" The woman asked. I shook my head, because even I didn't know I had that much mana. 
Suddenly, Derek stands up and shouts "it's because, he's the chosen one" everyone gasps, and begin to murmur amongst themselves. Some agree, whilst others disagree. "Some of you might disagree but that boy is the chosen one, destined to defeat that man. I know, that the boy doesn't look like much.. hell he can't even use more than 10% of his power at the moment. However, one thing is certain. The boy that I adopted is the chosen one. You may all look at him and see a kid, that's young and naive. But when I look at him, I see a warrior that's ready to bloom. 8 years ago  he managed to defended himself against over 100 enemies single handedly.." 
"No I didn't.."
"Yes you did Paul.. You don't remember it because you weren't strong enough to control it at the time, in fact that's the only reason that I adopted you, so that you could control that enormous amount of mana you have." 
The woman turns and looks at me. "I'm inclined to believe what that man is saying. You young man, are the chosen one. The one that will defeat humanities greatest foe. Prometheus.." when the woman said the name Prometheus, I froze. I remember my father saying that name, during practice. He said that if I have any hope of defeating Prometheus, I needed to get stronger. I stand up and touch the crystal ball again. This time, however, I tried to focus my mana into the ball as possible. The ball glowed again. Not as bright, because of how I was controlling it, but bright enough for everyone to believe that I am, in fact, the chosen one. The woman stood there in shock. I then let go of the ball. I after I let go of the ball, I see a vision of defeating a man. I don't know his name, but I have an inkling that it was Prometheus. 
After the entrance ceremony, I walk with my father, sister and head mistress to the head mistresses office. When we get there, my father and sister wait outside whilst me and the head mistress talk. We walk into her office, she gestures for me to sit. I sit down. 
"Paul.." she says, whilst thinking about something. "Do you know about the prophecy?" I shake my head. "What Prophecy?" I ask her
"The prophecy stats, that a man of the age 17 will defeat Prometheus. He doesn't do this alone, however. He has the help of his knights, his sworn allies, and protectors of the planet. The 46th Celestial Clock user, will kill Prometheus and unite the world" the woman tells me. "If you are the boy, from this prophecy then you need to find your knights get stronger, else the entire world will pay for your inexperience!" She exclaims. 
"How do I do that?" I asked
"It's a good thing your father decided to enrol you at this school, because at this school you'll be able to get stronger. And, hopefully, you'd be able to find your knights as well" she said.
"Does it say how many knights I'd need?" I asked
"No" she replies. After a few minutes, of talking we finally come out of the head mistresses office. She tells my father, what's happening about classes and my dorm room and then, after he says goodbye to me and Misa, he heads home. 

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