The National Anthem

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They sat at the bar together with ease, not a thought in their minds about assassination or anything of the sort. They were protected. He had bodyguards nearby, and so did she. The building had heavy security, and bulletproof windows. Too many people that were wanted dead had sat in the same seats as the pair. The bartender seemed almost weary, as they sat down-- not even bothering to order their drinks yet.

"I was surprised you ordered bourbon" he says, one of his arms creeping up onto the bar counter, both of them avoiding the gaze of the bartender, lingering in the background. "Thought you'd be more of a fruity drink kind of gal. Umbrella in the drink type thing."

"Should I be offended by that?" Aella questions, knowing the answer to that same question is yes. Yes, she should be.

"I don't know. Should you?" He raises an eyebrow.

"I think I've outgrown my fruity drink, pink whitney days."

"You don't look old enough to have outgrown anything" the man clears his throat, straightening his back a little and then continues, one of his legs crossed tightly over the other. "How old are you though?"


He looks at her strangely for a minute, as if he was mentally doing the math--trying to figure out how far apart in age she was from the rest of her siblings. She was eleven years away from age in Shiv. Making the distance between her and Roman, Kendall--and then fucking Connor, astronomical. She was really, in fact the baby. No matter how many fits Roman could through, or tantrums, she would always be the surprise that had ended Caroline and Logan's divorce talks for the first time--and then had been two years old, when they were finalized.

"I know, I'm from a different generation." She finally says, breaking through the silence.

He rolls his eyes "Relax, I'm just trying to see what fucking age Logan Roy decided to give it another go. I'm a little amazed. Just slightly."

"It was less of him, and more my mother." Aella grimaces "Delayed their divorce meetings. They got to try again, and then quickly resume the meetings."

Jeryd Mencken seems amused. "Fascinating, and how did that affect you developmentally?"

"In comparison to what? My siblings?"

He shrugs "Maybe so."

"On what scale?"

"Well, they have more public meltdowns than you do"

She wouldn't personally call them meltdowns. She actually sympathized with plenty of her siblings and their plights. She'd accompanied Roman to the dentist after the fateful slap in Argestes, because he needed someone to watch him after--and he hadn't exactly known or had someone else to call. She let Kendall into her home the night after he'd blown up on their father, and had debated following him and Lisa Arthur. Shiv, was more complicated. But, none of this was knowledge available to Jeryd Mencken, and she was sure--absolutely sure, that if Jeryd Mencken knew about any of this, he'd walk away right then and there. She'd be a joke for his comedy show that would never happen, and he'd hop back over to Roman. Probably prop himself up on his bathroom counter, and chit chat.

So, she laughed.

It wasn't a great laugh, and she was sure he saw through some of it. But it was polite enough to accept.

"My family is complicated."


"I'm sure you believe so."

"No, trust me. I do. I buy into it."

"Really?" she grows curious "How so?"

He waves her off, and then turns to the bartender, signaling for two drinks. Bourbon, neat.

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