Red, White, and Blue-Fuck You, it's My Birthday

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Aella Roy had in fact, RSVP'd to what her family--specifically her siblings, were now calling "KenFest". She wasn't going for Lukas Matsson, like Roman and Shiv--but, for the purposes of her brother. He'd made it clear to her that the party was big--huge even, and that he wanted his siblings there. He wanted Aella there, in fact--he said she'd like it. Knowing Kendall, his tastes, and whatnot--she doubted it. But, he was her brother, and the least she could do was indulge in it. Especially since she couldn't indulge in her other wants at the moment.

Which started, and ended with Jeryd Mencken.

Who had perfectly and prettily shoved a pill down her throat, and shattered her into pieces afterwards. It was, of course, all she was thinking about. And had been thinking about since they'd left Washington DC.

The Presidential Candidate had been in contact with Roman--not her.

Something Roman was thrilled with.

Even though she'd listened, for once in her life, and texted him first. Work related. Of course.

But, that was despite the point.

She was at her brother's fuck fest birthday party, where she was in fact--very sure, that an orgy was taking place somewhere in the building. There were too many lights to imply otherwise. Too much color. Too much movement. Hey, maybe too much birthday in general.

Either way, as she stood crowded by her siblings, she sighed--checking her phone again, to no avail. Then, she chucks it back down into her bag.

She's dressed less formally than Shiv, just wearing a simple blue dress--it has tee shirt esq sleeves, and it's a bit sheer, cutting off under her thighs. Her heels are kitten heels, as she'd try to make herself a tad bit modest--just for if, and when, her father maybe happened to beat witness to the shots that would probably be taken of her entering the affair. But right now, it didn't matter--Aella had stolen Roman's blazer at their pre-emptive dinner, tucking it over her shoulders and pretending that it fit. She looked like a kid at a school dance, but she didn't really care--and Roman found it amusing, maybe a bit annoying when the cool air hit his back, but not enough to shout out "mine" and take it back.

The woman--the attendant at the front beamed, looking over the Roy clan, and clasping her iPad tightly "Hi. We're asking everyone to hand in their coats and phones. Kendall would like his present to be everyone being present."

Roman takes the opportunity to tug Aella forwards as she reaches for her phone, pushing her forwards and into the venue, as Shiv laughs, both at the absurdity of the request, and Roman yanking their sister along so easily.

Of course, Aella was letting him.

"Yeah. Fuck off. I'm not doing that." Roman states, not even looking at the woman as they walk along, his eyes glancing over to Aella and her phone, and he shoves her hand back into her bag, causing her to drop the phone into it. "Someone's going to steal that and sell your contacts and nudes for a big check. Don't let people touch your shit."

Oddly protective.

"Connor, what's with the...." Aella trails off, looking at the giant cast on his arm, trying to be hidden under his tan jacket.

"Yeah. Come on. What--What Happened?" Roman pries

"Ranch stuff."

"What, a horse didn't want you to fuck it? What?"

Willa sighs "He had a fall"

"Don't say, "had a fall," that sounds like I'm eighty nine. No! Maxim and I actually got some polling results. We shared a Cognac, and then I slipped doing a little Irish jig."

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