Rules-- (Do's and Don'ts)

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#1. Improve your posture.

#2. Be well-groomed.

#3. Dress elegantly and modestly.

#4. Don't swear or use crude expressions.

#5. Speak with confidence.

#6. Be considerate to others.

#7. Make people comfortable.

#8. Be polite.

#9. Keep your facebook, twitter, etc. posts classy too.

#10. Malicious gossip or speaking badly of people behind their back is not a very lady-like.

#11. Stand up for yourself with dignity.

#12. Drop the habits of an unclassy lady.

#13. Avoid PDA (Public Display of Affection)

#14. Be responsible for your own actions.

#15. Don't be snob. Always be nice and friendly to everyone.

#16. Always say 'Please' and 'Thank you'.

#17. Never show too much leg or too much cleavage at the same time.

#18. Don't act stupid when you're not.

#19. Be confident.

#20. Beauty is not just visual, it implies all of the senses.

#21. You can toy with a man, but never with his feelings.

#22. Don't chase perfection.

#23. Knowledge is power.

#24. Be sincere.

#25. Happiness is a choice.

#26. Walk graciously.

#27. Actions speak louder than words.

#28. Never ask if you look fat.

#29. Do not interrupt people speaking to you.

#30. Listen more than you speak.

#31. Don't ever burp or fart out loud in front of people.

#32. Don't be a drama queen.

#33. Don't talk when your mouth is full.

#34. Don't bite your nails.

#35. Don't talk too loud.

#36. Look people in the eyes when talking.

#37. Keep your legs together when you got into or out of a car.

#38. Don't spit anywhere.

#39. Exercise and stay fit.

#40. Always close your legs.

#41. A ladies knows that her smile is her best accessory.

#42. Let your smile change the world but don't let the world change your smile.

#43. Always classy, never trashy just a little nasty.

#44. A lady doesn't start fights.

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