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"Eijiro Kirishima please come to the principal's office." The principal says over the loudspeaker.
It was the middle of lunch in kindergarten.
I stand up from the lunch table I was sitting alone at. Usually TetsuTetsu sat with me but he had a dentist appointment out of town. The others stopped letting us go because of our sharp teeth.
"Looks like someone's in trouble" One of the other students says.
Am I? Did I do something wrong?

I walk over to the principal's office and sit down in one of his chairs.
"We are sorry to inform you that your father has died in a car crash." W-what? Is this some sort of joke? A really sick joke?
"What about TetsuTetsu?" Mother asked nervously.
"He likely survived." The principal answers. He survived!
"W-where is he?" I ask.
"I'm afraid no one has seen him since."
"You may take the day off to process this." The principal says.
"Come on sweetie, let's go to the car." My mother says, grabbing my hand. I can't speak. I just nod.

We were silent the entire ride back home.


"Well, my boss won't let me take the day off, so I have to go to work." Mother sighs. My mother is a nurse so she hardly ever gets days off.

As soon as she leaves I start crying.
Why couldn't he stay? TetsuTetsu was my only friend. Who will protect me from the bullies now? And I don't even have my quirk yet! Am I gonna be quirkless? Those bullies are right, I'm useless!


A walk out for recess as soon as the teachers leave, the bullies come towards me.
Nishimura slaps me on the face.
"Where is your brother? Stopped wanting to protect you?" He jokes.
"No..." Fury swells through my veins
"NO!" I scream, throwing my fist right at his face. Blood drips down his nose and mouth.
"Oh, so that's how it's going to be." His fist launches toward me, but his hand starts bleeding, while I feel nothing. What the..?
I launch a lunch into his stomach. He coughs up a little blood.
"OH, NOW YOU'RE GONNA GET IT!!!" He yells. He runs towards me, but is stopped.
"Nishimura." Ashido says grimly.
"Ashido... I didn't mean it." He whimpers.
"Good." She says with a death stare.
"Thank you." I hug her, tears running down my face.
1 few months later

I wake up after a horrible nightmare. My face is all wet. I must have been crying. As I rub my eye, I starts to hurt more then it did before. What the?!! Blood drips down from my eye. I look at my hand. It turned hard and rough, like a rock.
"Mom!" I scream.
"Eijiro!" She shouted." My... quirk... I can protect myself now..
"Oh, no, you're bleeding!" My mother picked me up and sat me in the car. We drove over to the quirk doctor also checked up my scratch. He said it might be permanent, so he just gave me an eyepatch and some pain meds.

The Next Day

"Hey, Mina!" Is that..? "Nishimura?"I ask.
I grip Mina's arm. She pulls away.
"Sorry, Kiri, but I promised to play with Nishi." She says. Nishi... She.. has a nickname for him too? Am I really even her best friend?
"Do you like my eyepatch?" I ask.
"Yeah.." She says halfheartedly.
"What a loser.." I hear Nishimura say in the distance.
I.. I can't hold it back anymore..
Tears start streaming down my face. I take my eyepatch off to let them flow.
"Oi, nice scar." I hear a voice say. Katsuki Bakugo.
"T-thank you."
"Wanna hang out with me?" He asks.
"Sure." I respond.

Bakugo, you don't know this but you saved me.

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