Dean x Sam

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"Pass me another beer"."I think you've had enough"."Dean give me the damn beer".He sighed and shook his head no.Sam got up angered at his brother."I'm a grown man Dean give me it".Dean laughed and gripped his young brothers shoulder."No".Suddenly Dean was forced onto the bed.Staring up at him was his annoyed younger brother.Dean sighed pushing off his brothers weight only to be forced down again.Sam leaned down and kissed Deans soft pink lips.Dean tore away from his brothers lips in surprise."What in the hell".Sam chuckled,"what happened Dean you used to be so strong".Deans face flashed , "Sam this isn't funny"."But Dean I love it when I get to ruin your ego". Dean kicked his leg up forcing Sam to fly forward ,face landing, into Deans shoulder Muscle. Dean freed himself from Sam only to pathetically fall on top of him..For the first time that night Dean was no longer holding back against his wanting little brother. He kissed down his neck only occasionally stopping to look at him.Sam wrapped his arms around his torso pulling his shirt up slowly.Dean smirked unzipping Sams pants sticking his hand down them.Sam let out a surprised moan when a warm hand started stroking his "member". After so many teases and begs from Sam.Dean completely pulled Sams pants and boxers.He licked down Sams member before completely taking it in his mouth.Sam moaned loudly grabbing his brothers hair. "mmm Sammy".

A knock on the door stopped the two."This is the police open the door.Sam started to get dressed but Dean stopped him."No I'm not done with you I'll be right back".

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