Reminicising and Looking Forward

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Wangji's POV
Conversation at 3:54 pm
Private: Zhou Zishu

Zishu: I was right

Zishu: The "brother from another mister" or whatever it was he said is my new roommate Wen Kexing

Zishu: Said brother randomly yelled across the room asking me if he flirts in a more dignified way than Wei Wuxian, by the way, so I'd expect Wei Wuxian to already know we know

Me: How did you answer?

Zishu: I said no

Zishu: He got a bit sulky, but he'll be fine and back to reciting poems and pickup lines tomorrow

Me: Good luck.

Zishu: Thank you

Zishu: You were right though

Zishu: Wei Wuxian really... has not changed much haha

Zishu: The crash through the door was everything

Zishu: For a sec there I really thought soneone was drunk at 1 pm until I realized who I was looking at

Me: I don't recall you speaking much.

Zishu: His reputation precedes him

Zishu: I don't think I can count how many times we had to switch venues for chemistry lesson because the guy busted a pipe or something

Zishu: And I don't think I'm gonna forget the time the whole sports field was unusable because he covered the thing with balloons and candles for the school's anniversary

Zishu: Fuck if Wen Kexing is anything like that god help me

Zishu: Also, I talk to you way too often to not at least have the teeniest idea of what Wei Wuxian is like

Zishu: I think you complain about/crush over him more than you talk about anything else

Me: I do not.

Zishu: Yes you fucking do

Zishu: Scroll up if you don't believe me

Zishu: Of the last 10 times you talked about your life, 5 of them started with you saying something about Wei Wuxian, and in 3 more the subject somehow got dragged back to the guy

Zishu: I can see you're online but you have no way to refute me

Zishu: So you're just there

Me: I will agree that I complain.

Me: I do not crush on him.

Zishu: ...oh?

Zishu: Let's see...

Me: Wait what does that mean?

Me: Why are you taking this long?

Me: What are you doing?

Zishu: From 9th August at 1 am


Zishu: From 20th May at 8 pm

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Zishu: From 20th May at 8 pm


Zishu: From 14th April at 3 pm

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Zishu: From 14th April at 3 pm

Me: Zishu!

Zishu: Hahaha I'm sorry!

Zishu: Couldn't resist

Zishu: I'll stop teasing you I promise

Zishu: (At least for the next few hours)

Me: Please don't tell Xiongzhang about any of those texts.

Me: He will send them all to Wei Ying.

Zishu: Haha don't worry

Zishu: Your secret's safe with me

Me: Thank you.

Me: Anyway, I'll have to go soon. I have a lecture.

Zishu: Oh shit yeah that reminds me

Zishu: I still have to finish the reading for my turorial

Zishu: Fuck I'm such a mess

Me: Wasn't your tutorial yesterday?

Zishu: No this is next week's!

Zishu: Okay Lan Wangji

Zishu: I know you're about to tell me to calm down but do you dare tell me you haven't already done the prep work for the next two weeks?

Me: That is irrelevant.

Zishu: If you say so??

Zishu: Look I promise I'm not being high strung or overacheiver or whatever, I only want a good start

Zishu: I'll chill out as the term goes on

Me: Chill out or burn out?

Zishu: I will not get burned out, I know my limits!!

Zishu: I really do know them and promise not to ignore them

Zishu: I got through last year without dying didn't I?

Me: Okay.

Me: That's good to hear.

Zishu: Really Lan Wangji

Zishu: You can chill

Zishu: It was years ago I'm okay now I won't do anything stupid

Me: Remember you can always call us if something does come up.

Me: Don't keep it all inside.

Zishu: Says you!

Zishu: ...but thank you

Zishu: I'll try not to

Me: Okay.

Me: My lecturer's here, see you.

Zishu: Talk to you later

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Feb 01 ⏰

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