Secrets Uncovered

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"She didn't cheat on me," Deku said nervously to the camera. I wasn't surprised to see him on the news when I turned it on. I heard about him doing an interview sometime soon to clear the air.

"Several people saw her locking lips and leave the party with another man," the interviewer said.

He licked his lips and spun his wedding ring around his finger. "We were taking a break to see other people. We hadn't been getting along very well and decided to step back to reevaluate our lives and what we wanted. When we decided to see separate people, it was meant to be private."

"It isn't exactly private when your wife leaves with someone that isn't you." The nerd froze, trying to think of what to say next.

"We should have been a little more discreet. We're doing better now. We took our time apart and are now in marriage counseling," Deku said. He looked fucking miserable in his suit and tie, with his green curls bouncing every time he moved his head.

"Why were you guys silent for so long?"

"We were embarrassed to admit that our marriage was struggling. Heroes are held on high pedestals; sometimes, people forget we're humans, too. We were scared that if it got out that we were struggling, it would ruin us. We took some time to discuss how we wanted to handle the situation," he explained.

I was done listening to this bullshit. I turned the T.V. off and tossed the remote on the couch. Why the fuck should I care what shitty Deku is talking about. My hand fished around my pocket for my phone before plopping on the couch. I need a distraction. I opened the BY app and found my messages with Camposing.

Nitro1991- Hey, how's your day going?

Camposing1- It's not too bad. I got the worst part of my day over. I have one more thing I have to do today.

Nitro1991- What's the last thing you have to do?

Camposing1- I have to renew my foster license. It expired last month, and I hadn't realized until CPS informed me that it did. Apparently, they tried to place a child with me and couldn't because it was expired. My wife was usually the one who handled all of that.

And he fosters kids? I thought I met every decent person in this city. It turns out I missed one.

Nitro1991- Do you like fostering?

Camposing1991- I love it. I may not be able to help everyone, but I definitely try to. I only take newborns to five-year-olds, though. I worry about my son and an older foster kid.

Nitro1991- I can understand that. I thought about fostering, but I'm not sure.

Camposing1- You said you want kids in the future, right? Fostering could be a great way to interact socially with younger kids. Who knows, maybe you'll fall in love with a foster kid one day.

I have plenty of social interaction with kids. That's not the problem.

Nitro1991- I don't want to get attached to a kid I'll only have temporarily. I know a lot of foster kids are placed while their parents are going through stuff.

Camposing1- It can be hard, I promise that. But it's worth it. For some kids, it may be the only decent foster home they'll ever be in. I'm sure I'm going to get a placement as soon as I renew. If they contacted me, I guarantee they need more foster parents.

Nitro1991- How would I even go about signing up?

Was I ready to be a foster parent? With as much time as I spend with kids, I feel like I should be all set. However, I'm terrified of fucking up some kid's life.

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