Chapter 1~

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Olivia's Pov: dad let me talk to him my dad replies ok sweetie I walk outside and I see Nate and he's talking to another bartender and I say the job my dad was telling you about is your ticket out of here unless you want to be a bartender for the rest of your life Nate replies sorry we're not interested I reply that's fine......I'm Olivia by the way Nate replies I'm Nate and this is my brother Sean I reply nice to meet you guys Nate replies how old are you if you don't mind? I reply caught me I'm 20...go ahead throw me out Sean replies I'll gladly show this lovely lady out I reply thanks  Sean and I give him a little flirty wink

Nate's Pov: Victor and Olivia invited Sean and I to the auction house to get the gold cross we run into one of sully's friends named Jo Braddock and she is with Santiago moncada I reply sully it looks like you're gonna have to buy that cross sully replies fake a heart attack I don't care just don't screw this up kid Olivia replies hang on I'm coming don't do anything stupid Sean replies we'll try not to babe

Victor replies I think that was what Olivia meant by don't do anything stupid Sean and I reply shut up sully!!!!!  Olivia replies dad take it easy on them

Victor's Pov: after we get the cross Olivia,nate,Sean and I are going to Barcelona,Spain and meet up with Chloe Frazer  and we are going to find the lost treasure

Sean replies how can you be so stupid Nate!!! We had the cross!!! And you let her take it!!!! Olivia replies it's gonna be ok Sean! I reply you gotta get that cross back Nate!!!!  Nate replies! I can't believe I let that happen such a rookie mistake Sean and I reply no shit!!!!  We finally catch up to chloe and Nate tells her you don't know what your doing with those keys!!! Chloe replies your full of shit! Nate replies at the auction house moncada called it a altar crucifix  i didn't think about it then but it means that the cross was meant to be on a altar you know in a church Chloe,Olivia,Sean and I reply at the same time which church  nate takes us to st.Mary of the pine  I reply see now you know why I brought him chloe replies he got lucky

Sean's Pov: nate,Olivia,chloe,sully and I are looking around st.Mary of the pine church and Nate notices some the the same post cards that Sam would send us when we were younger sully says to us guys I found something and we go over and see what he found and we find a keyhole to put the cross and and Chloe says does Mary look a little off to you? Olivia yeah......... I grab Olivia's hand I reply we found heaven Olivia replies and there's hell Nate replies nuns why does it have to be nuns Olivia replies giggling are you afraid of nuns or something Nate? Nate replies ha no Olivia and I reply mmmhm

Chloe's pov: sully,Nate,Olivia,Sean and I were snooping around st.Mary of the Pine church and we believe we found where they hid the treasure so we go through a secret passage Nate replies I'll go with you! Sully replies give me your cross Nate replies why? Sully you already have your girlfriends cross you don't need both...what are you gonna do follow her around like a puppy dog? Nate replies give me your phone sully replies no Nate says again give me your phone sully sully replies fine Nate replies man you have way to many tabs open tinder? Sully replies yeah I get around

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