the next day

7 0 0

[Raz wakes up seeing its early and there was alot of people eating he looks and see's the sun is just coming up so he starts packing up his camp and walks Into the castle and makes his way to the great hall when he see's 2 blond girls around 13 and 14 walk over wanting to know what there doing when he gets there he coughs getting there attention and he looks exhausted]

<Raz>"hello how are you two this morning"

[They look at him the older one responds]

<greengrass>"some bullies took her shoes and we can't get them down"

[she points at the running shoes dangling on some rafters]

<Raz>"I see give me a sec" [they watch in amazement  as he climbs the wall and window and grabs the shoes before climbing down and giving the shoes back]

<Raz>"so what's your guys names and could you help me grab some food I am starving"

<luna>" my name luna lovegood, she is Daphne greengrass were I am from the house of the ravens while she's from the house of the snakes"

[leads Raz to the great hall sitting at the ravensclaw table as Daphne goes to slythren table luna starts explaining the houses and basic information]

<luna> "so how was Galia heard from my mother it was great there"

<Raz>"wait how do you know of Galia I thought I was in another world or something"

<Luna>"nope your just moved forward in time since my grandmother on my mom's side talked alot about a man named Raz she fought with as a sniper during what we called world War 2 her name was leena"

[pulls out a picture of before they charge the front line Raz grabs it and stare at it nearly coming to tears as he see's him kneeling with his smg Leena with her sniper Claude crossing his arms and Miles sitting on the tank while Riley is posing for the picture]

<Raz>"Can I keep this?"

<Luna>"Yes you can I hope it gives you peace"

[Everyone starts showing up and starts eating after some time a bell rings signaling the start of classes Raz gets up and starts exploring the castle when he stumbles upon umbridge]

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