mrs um b*tch

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[As Raz starts walking down the hall to where luna stated there was a kitchen with instructions on how to get there and open the door he see's the pink toad lady walk out a classroom livid and once she has seen him starts yelling when she gets within arms reach he grabs his pistol and aims at the woman's head]

Raz"who the fuck are you and what the fuck you screaming at me for you b*tch"
[Umbrige starts saying and accusing Raz of cheating the goblet of fire as she does this she dosent notice raz put his gun down  side step her and enter the kitchens and starts grabbing bacon and other food and some bread eating it remember everyone and looking at the photo of him and his friends he remember luna has a free period and start making his way to the classroom once he's there he waits for luna to come out when she does he asked a question]
Raz"hey luna um is your grandma alive"
Luna"yes she is she's also good friends with a man that invited what's called the sorcerer's stone I will owl her saying you jumped in time"
[They both get the letter sent and continue the day as Raz starts feeling home sick and starts getting nervous about seeing leena again]

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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