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A man stood staring out the window of the high-rise building.

"Mike Ross?" Rachel walked up, questioning the man.

He quickly spun around.

"Hi, I'm Rachel Zane," she reached her hand out to shake his, "I'll be giving you your orientation."

"Wow, you're pretty," he responded.

"Good. You've hit on me. We can get it out of the way that I am not interested."

"No. I'm sorry. I was not hitting on you."

"Trust me. I've given dozens of these, and without fail, whatever new hotshot it is thinks that, because I'm just a paralegal, that I will somehow be blown away by his dazzling degree. Let me assure you, I won't."

"I was. I was hitting on you," he nodded in shock.

"You were," she handed him a piece of paper, "Take notes. I'm not gonna repeat myself."

"I love you," he whispered, quickly following after the woman. 

"Each bank of offices specializes in its own arena of the law," she lead him through a bustling bullpen of lawyers. "It is anchored by a department head on either end. So on our left, mergers and acquisitions. On the opposite side, high net worth divorce."

"Nice," he laughed, "Mergers across from divorce. Symmetry." He turned around to see Rachel just looking at him. He cleared his throat, "Hey, I should just stop talking."

She took back over with the tour, "The firm operates on a chain of command model. Harvey's your commanding officer. However, Louis Litt, he oversees all associates, so you'll also answer to him."

"What do you think of Harvey?" he asked.

"People are in awe of him. They say he's the best closer there is. But I have very little contact with him so I don't know."

"What about Louis Litt?"

"Let's continue with your tour."


They arrived in the associates' bullpen.

"And finally, this is where you'll live," Rachel pointed toward a desk. 

He laughed, walking around the median, "Wow."

She pointed at the notepad in his hand, "I gave you that for a reason and you haven't taken one note."

"That's because-"

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