Chapter 21

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It is now Christmas & the girls decided to have it at the boys house & Bee is going to cook dinner

Bee: Did ya’ll really have to spoil these kids like this come on now they don’t even know what to do with half this stuff

Prod: Brea know what she doing we bout to make some brownies with this easy bake oven (helping Brea stir the mix)

Brea: (licking her the mix off her fingers)

Bee: Brea stop (wiping her hands off)

Brea: No (licking her fingers still)

Britt: U gone be the only one eating that nasty looking shit too (making a face, holding Chres in his power wheel) its cooked under a light bulb

Prince: He sure is that’s his birthday cake for tomorrow (laughing)

Prod: Ha ha very funny but ya’ll wasn’t complaining when we got ya’ll gifts

Girls: Hell naw (looking at each other laughing)

Prince: (shaking his head) Ya’ll are crazy but the kids can grow into it their toys

Cici: Ok Prince u bought Lauryn a tricycle when she can’t even sit up by herself yet so its gone take a lot of growing (bouncing Lauryn on her lap)

Roc: (laughing) So I got Chres a power wheel & it looks like he likes it (looking at Chres)

Chres: (sitting in the power wheel, trying to get off)  

Jazzy: He barely can walk let alone reach the petal so what u gone do ride in it with him

Ray: Aye that’s a good idea can I go first cause it looks fun  

Britt: Ray would say that since he like the only one that can fit on that thing (picking Chres up) he don’t like that thing do u little man

Chres: (burying his face in Britt’s boobs)

Bee: That’s cause he laying on them huge boobs of yours  

Cici: (laughing) Right & they look like they getting bigger like mine when I was pregnant Britt is there something u need to tell us (feeding Lauryn a bottle)

Jazzy: Right cause u was throwing up sick & I mean u always had a big ass but it looks like its getting bigger

Roc: (sitting next to Britt) Dang why ya’ll all on her back like that

Ray: Roc why u taking up for her, u know something we don’t dude

Britt: (holding Chres, looking at Roc)

Prod: What's with the eye contact u two I think ya’ll keeping secrets do ya’ll secretly go together or something cause ya’ll been nice to each other the past week (looking at Brea making a mess) Brea no (taking the spoon from her)

Brea: (whining, throwing a tantrum)

Bee: (picking Brea up) Its time for her a nap

Prod: Give her here so I can clean her up & put her to sleep (taking Brea, going in the back)

Roc: Brittney should we tell them or make them wait longer

Britt: (playing in Chres’ hair while he laying on her) U can tell them if u want cause they will find out sooner or later so why not now

Bee: Wait do ya’ll go together cause if so bout time cause I was tired of the arguing & bickering between ya’ll

Britt: No we don’t go together but

LIVIN' THE MINDLESS LIFE - THE BEGINNING (PREQUEL)Where stories live. Discover now