Chapter 38

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A few days later Roc is checking on Brittney & MaKaylah everything was fine with her but she has to take albuterol

Roc: Alright I gotta leave to go meet the boy (putting Kaylah in her swing)

Britt: (in the kitchen) Ok

Roc: Bye princess, daddy loves u (kissing her cheek)

Kaylah: (chewing her fingers looking at him)

Roc: (going in the kitchen) Brittney  

Britt: Yea (reaching for the milk on the top shelf) ugh

Roc: (grabbing the milk for her) Here short ass (laughing, handing her the milk)

Britt: Shut up (taking the milk from him) thank u

Roc: Its nothing but like I said I’m bout to head out to meet with the boys then pick up Chres I put Kaylah in her swing but she not sleep so don’t just have her in there by herself

Britt: Alright I’m going in there soon as I make this bottle (putting the powder milk in the water)

Roc: (starring at her for a minute) See u later & call me if u need anything (standing at the door)

Britt: (walking back in the living room with the bottle) Ok

Roc leaves & Britt locks the door & feed Kaylah then Bee comes back 

Bee: (walking in the door) We’re back

Brea: (running to Britt) Hi TT

Britt: Hey Brea (kissing her check) u had fun on the plane

Brea: Yea (playing with Kaylah’s hand) hi Kay Kay (in her face playing with her)

Kaylah: (trying to grab Brea’s ponytail)

Bee: (putting her stuff down, grabbing Kaylah) Awe house is my niecey pooh I heard aunties baby had to go to the hospital while I was gone huh (kissing her)

Brea: Hey I was playing wif her mommy (hands on her nonexistent hips)

Bee: Well excuse me (turning Kaylah around in her lap so Brea can play with her) so what was wrong with her Britt

Britt: (putting the top on the bottle) They said she got a touch of asthma so she gotta do a breathing treatment every night like I did when I was little

Bee: Did mommy go to the hospital with ya’ll

Britt: No Roc was there & he stayed the night with us & been coming over checking on us everyday since u not here Ciarah pregnant ass busy & who knows where Jazmyne is

Bee: Probably somewhere having sex with Ray (looking at Brea trying to force Kaylah’s pacifier in her mouth) Brea stop she don’t want it

Brea: Yes huh (shaking her head, giving it to her) see

Britt: (laughing) This little girl (picking Brea up tickling her)

Brea: Stwop TT (pushing her hands away)

Bee: (bouncing Kaylah on her lap) So are u & Roc back together or just co-parenting

Britt: (sitting Britt down) We just co-parenting but he thought I was sleep in the hospital but I heard him he told me he loved me but he letting me & if we are meant to be together it will happen in due time & I feel kinda a bad cause I swear he was crying & we know he is not a crier

Bee: I know I swear that boy has no type of emotion but for him to cry he must really miss u & want to be with u so why won’t ya’ll talk about what really happened that night cause I think u just jumped to conclusion then jumped on that girl & I know u really miss his ass too

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