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"The Dreaded Corner"

Tw: This story contains Violence, kidnapping, assault, and much more! Please do not read if you're uncomfortable with strong topics

Your footsteps tapped on the ground. Your vision is verily being able to see anything in the distance. It was dark and cold, causing your hands to shiver as the wind passed by. Your face scowling, with narrowed eyes. The smell of dust and smoke was so strong causing you to wish you were out of the dark alleyway already. The worst part was the ground was filled with broken glass and old used old cigarettes. Can't these people just clean after themselves for once? It is not that damn hard! You sneered at the sight underneath your shoes.

Your breathing was steady and boring as you were making your way home. 

Patter, patter, patter.

You heard footsteps behind you. Great! Now there is somebody else's, how frustrating! Damn it. You could feel your emotions taking over as you walked faster. Can't I just make it home already? Your eyes looked forward as you heard the pattering becoming faster as you did, your eyes widened as you turned around finding nobody there. Your heart dropped looking around the darkness, not being able to see much. What's going on? You asked yourself. "Um, Hello?" You softly asked. Oh, heck no! This is giving scary movie vibes. You slowly turned around before booking it down the alleyway. Your heart was beating as whoever was trying to keep out of sight was chasing me! Fuck! The glass on the floor caused you to trip a little but luckily you caught yourself, but as you went to run again. A cold hand gripped your wrist, forcing you to turn around as your head was slammed against the wall "Ah!"

causing your vision to blur as you groan, yanking your hand away from the man as you shook and sobbed at the pain. Am I gonna die? Why? Why me? I just wanted to go home after a long day! Why? Why? WHY?

"Ah, ah, ah damn, why did you have to run? Haa, man, you got me all exhausted! Don't you have any, shame Y/N?" A voice asked, as you couldn't tell who it was, a man wearing a dark jacket covering his face, his body was thin. How does he know my name? "Well, it can't be helped. I was hoping-" His words were fading in and out as I fell down onto the grimy and soot-covered surface. The blood from my head dripped down my forehead as my vision blackened.

Yandere pov:

I kept speaking to my darling as I noticed she had fallen limp. I bent down waving my hand in their faces. "Hello? Darling? Hm? Out." He hummed, reaching down and softly picked you up and looked around the alleyway. "Well, I didn't mean to harm you that much. Eh! I have an idea! I can't leave you out here anyone's mercy.." He let out a gentle laugh. His black orbs look down at you from within his arms. "I think I should take you home."

After all, you're hurt. "YOU" will understand when you wake up. As his footsteps resonated with the ground, he spun around, clutching onto their motionless body firmly. "You will enjoy my house so much that you will never want to leave."

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