Chapter Three: Benny and the Angel

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Castiel moves away from Dean, hitting his back against a tree.
"I-I do not understand, Dean."

Dean grabs hold of Castiel's uninjured wrist, holding tightly so the prince doesn't escape without helping him first.
"Look, Cas, I'll put this in a way you'll maybe comprehend better."
Dean clears his throat and speaks in a tone, mocking the way Castiel and his people spoke.
"Long ago, about ten years, there was a young man who just became eighteen. He had dealt in the matters of heaven and hell, angels and demons. This man, one night, was attacked by a demon he sought to destroy. That demon cursed the man, bringing him into this time. The man searched far and wide for a way to get home and all was a failure. One day, a strange woman approached him and told him a prophecy. The prophecy said the man would only be able to go home after spending ten years here. After those ten years, he would meet a prince, but not just any prince. This prince would be his key home because the prince 'was born with wings'."

Castiel stares at Dean for a moment, trying to comprehend all that was just told to him.
"So, that man is you, obviously. But how do you know that the prince described to you is me?"

Dean smiles softly, shaking his head.
"Castiel WINGdral. It's right in your name, Cas. Plus I've tried every other prince in this damn country."

"You have kidnapped other princes?"
Castiel asks, his voice cracking at the thought of fellow royals being treated as he was.

Dean laughs.
"Yeah. I just have a thing for kidnapping royal princes."

Castiel's eyes widen and he stay absolutely still, putting his hands into fists and getting ready to fight if he needs to.

Dean notices Castiel tense up and looks down, chuckling to himself.
"I'm just messing with you, Cas. You're the first prince I kidnapped. I'm pretty good at it, aren't I?"

Castiel frowns and turns away from Dean.
"If good means getting beat up in the process and injuring your captive, then sure, you are swell at kidnapping."

Dean sighs, his smile disappearing.
"Loosen up, will you Cas? I'm not planning on keeping you for long. As soon as you send me home, you can go home."

"I do not know how to get you home, Dean."

Dean glares up at Castiel.
"What do you mean? You have to know!"

Castiel shakes his head.
"Maybe you were just meant to stay here, in this time."

Green eyes gets to his feet and grabs something out of his bag. He walks back over to Castiel and turns his head so his eyes meet Dean's.
"I forgot to mention something else about the prophecy. The woman said that you wouldn't remember at first. Not until I gave you this."
Dean opens his hand to reveal a silver ring with black wings etched into it.

Castiel stares at the ring and then glances back up at Dean, his eyebrow raised.
"Yeah...I still do not remember anything."

Dean grabs Castiel's hand, forcing the ring onto his ring finger. Castiel rips his hand back and forces it against his stomach. A horrible burning feeling spreads all the way around his finger where the ring is. Castiel tries to take off the ring but as his other fingers touch the metal, his mind suddenly stops. His eyes fly open wide and his body relaxes, the pain of the burns immediately coming to a stop. Flashes of images of him as an infant fill his mind. Then, time works backwards. It goes to a time before his birth. Hannah is pregnant still and Gabriel, surprisingly is sober and responsible. They look joyous, at peace. Suddenly, darkness overcomes the light memory and Hannah is no longer pregnant. There's a new born baby in her arms but Gabriel isn't there. Instead, he's in his throne room. The royal priest and trusted noble, Chuck, still very very young, enters the room. He tells something to Gabriel that Castiel cannot hear and his face grimaces. Chuck is told to leave and does so quickly. His mind flashes forward and Gabriel is drunk, laying on the floor with bottles of wine surrounding him and tears staining his cheeks. Castiel comes back to reality, his eyelids falling heavy causing him to lean to one side, almost hitting the ground. Dean grabs Castiel's shoulders, sitting the prince upright but not letting go.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2015 ⏰

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