Chapter Five- Part Two

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Dan's POV

I didn't want to go at all. I'm tired, I'm sad, everything in my body hurts, and I overall just feel terrible. But I felt extremely remorseful for what I had done last night and I wanted to make it up to Phil by going with him to the doctor. I feel slightly offended that he keeps thinking there's something wrong with me, but I guess I couldn't blame him. Everything just seemed so distant lately, and I couldn't really process anything like I used to be able to. I've lost interest in things that I used to love, like making videos and being with friends. But whenever I try to do anything now, I just end up irritated and exhausted. Phil's right, no matter how much I deny it. Something isn't right. I feel and act like shit. Why does Phil even stay with me? Even after all that I've been doing is blowing up over every single thing, he still stays. I have to do this for him. I have to go to this damned doctor and find out what's wrong with me and then try to fix myself. God, how the hell am I gonna do that?

~Two hours later~
We had arrived at the hospital about 45 minutes ago and now sat inside a room waiting for the doctor to come in. It had been a dreadful 45 minutes, the smell of ammonia and strong antiseptic filling my nose with every breath I took. I always hated hospitals. Just knowing that human beings have taken their last breaths, whether natural or inhibited by machine, their presence faded away right where I stand. And I found that one of the most haunting thoughts that had ever gone through my mind.

"Are you nervous?" Phil asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"I... I don't know, I guess so. Should I be?" I look into his icy blue irises behind those thick rimmed black glasses that enlarged his gorgeous eyes.

"I'm not really sure. It'll be okay though, right?" His voice quivers with uncertainty. I shrug; because that's the best answer I could give at the moment.

I shift uncomfortably on the 'bed' and the paper covering it underneath me crinkles and rips in a few places.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Stump. I'll be taking care of you today. So, what brings you in?" A man says loudly as he enters the room. I didn't want to talk about anything, because I didn't know this man and I don't trust him. I look to Phil in the way that a child would to their parents for them to explain the situation.

"Dan's been having some... troubles lately and we were wondering if it could be medically involved?" Phil explained, choosing his words carefully.

"What kinds of troubles are we talking about here?" Dr. Stump questions, sitting down on the spinney-special-doctor-chair. I decided hat it was probably best that I answer that question personally because of the topic.

"Well, I'm just a wreck to be honest. I feel cold all the time. I get so tired even when I've done absolutely nothing. I have these manic episodes where I go insane and I get so angry that I explode, then I blackout after each episode. My thoughts and my heart race and everything in my body is just always so tense and hurting." I confess.

"Have you been constipated?"

"Umm... a little bit, yes?" Phil did not need to be hearing this...

"Gained any weight recently?" Excuse me?

"I haven't weighed myself in awhile, but I guess I'm looking a little bit... tubby." I guess it was the truth, but I do find myself absolutely revolting and my body image isn't the best. 'Tubby' is not a word I would use to describe myself. More like 'disgusting'.

"Have you had any loss of appeal in sex?"

"It doesn't sound as great as it used to. It just sounds tiring in all honesty."

He puts on a pair of latex gloves from a box and wheels himself over towards me. He proceeds to take my vitals in silence, also checking my throat, eyes, nose, and ears.

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