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"Ok, what the fuck?"  You wondered aloud, as you took note of your unfamiliar surroundings. Where the hell were you? You took in a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down, before slowly exhaling. The room was a weird temperature, not warm but not cold. It was... oddly calming but also frustrating. There was a light right in front of your face, making you squint your eyes painfully. You didn't remember much, not even your own name. No, scratch that, you didn't remember anything. What the fuck is going on.

You glanced around, realizing that you're in a weird room. The room was rather small, but the emptiness made it seem just slightly larger. It was a completely white room, and you were lying down in a plain white bed. There were no blankets on it, not even a pillow. Just a plain fucking mattress. Honestly, it wasn't even comfy. The room was coated in white walls, white stone flooring and a white stone ceiling. There was a bright light hung right above the bed. 'Ah. So that's what that was.' You thought bitterly to yourself.

You tiredly sat up, as a sharp pain shot through your right arm at the movement. 'What the hell...?' You thought to yourself, glancing down. There was a bandage on your arm, covering something. You poked it out of curiosity, hissing in pain when it stung. Maybe someone stabbed you or some movie shit like that? Maybe someone drugged you with a needle? Or you're just dead. That would explain your loss of memory and plain confusion. You continued to stare at yourself, as you realized what you were wearing. A plain oversized white shirt, with a neon green smile on one of the sleeves. 'What does that mean?' You thought, as you continued to observe yourself. You had baggy white pants on, and some rather cute white boots on. Surprisingly. There was a small tag on your shirt, like the ones employees have. It read: Mercy. The fuck? Your hair slightly rested on your shoulder, your eyebrows raising at the sight of it.

It was blue.

Your left hand trailed up and your fingers brushed through it. It was slightly wavy, but silky and smooth. It felt so healthy, which is surprising. You have nice clothes, pretty and healthy hair, goddammit, what was the catch? As you were brushing through your hair with your fingers, you touched something around your neck. You cocked an eyebrow, glancing down to see what it was.

'WHAT THE FUCK!? You though angrily to yourself, as you realized the dangerous item clipped around your neck.

It was a fucking shock collar.

You shakily sighed, drawing your attention away from the shock collar. Why would you have that? You decided to think about finding a way out of the plain ass bitch room, so you looked around to observe. There were four plants, one at each corner of the room. They... were really pretty... huh. They were all different colours, and they were all mix matched. One had a mix of blue and green flowers, one had a mix of purple and orange, another had a mix of light purple and red, and the last one had blue and yellow flowers. They were so beautiful. It relaxed you just a bit. You continued to observe the plain room.

Something caught your eye, making you glance over. There was a door at the other end of the room, making a spark of hope shoot through you. "Yes! I way out!" You whisper shouted to yourself, as you stood up from the uncomfortable bed. Immediately, you stumbled over.

"Fuck!" You yelped in pain, as a sharp pain shot through your arm as it made contact with the stone floor. Luckily you had caught yourself with your arms, blocking your face from crumbling inwards. Why couldn't you walk though? This was all so confusing. A small feeling of dread filled you, as you thought of a possibility... 'What if someone...' You own thoughts trailed of, as you shook the ugly thought away. No, this type of not walking is different.

You slowly and cautiously stood back up, huffing out of annoyance. You took a few careful steps towards the door, as you focused on keeping your balance. After a few close calls to falling on your face and morphing into a whole ass pug, you made it to the tall and smooth white door.

'Couldn't they choose any other design choice?' You thought to yourself sassily, as you observed how the ENTIRE door was white. How boring. You reached out to grab the plain white handle, but a large neon green screen showed up in front of the handle. "WHAT THE FUCK-" You shouted, stumbling backwards as it stayed in its place. 'What is that?' you thought to yourself, cocking an eyebrow. You sighed, bravely stepping towards it again.

Would you like to play the game?
[Yes] or [no].

What the fuck is this? You roll your eyes and click yes. What else were you supposed to do?



[Loading complete!]

Hello, welcome to the game.

Please enter your name here:


You stared thoughtfully at the neon screen. You didn't remember your name. You sighed, thinking for a moment. Perhaps you could give yourself a new one?

You thought for a moment, staring around the room. 'What could I name myself...' You thought, narrowing your eyes. You just scoffed, when you couldn't think of anything. Then you remembered the tag on your shirt, as you glanced back down at it. Mercy... maybe that was your name.

Please enter your name here:




Welcome, Mercy, to the game.

Game? What game?

Let me explain the game. It is one giant game of tag, basically. You run, while everyone chases you. Whoever finds you, can keep you FOREVER. They can do whatever they want to you, so I'd suggest you be careful who you trust and where you hide.

Good luck.

"What. The. Fuck!?" You shouted, as you stared at the damned screen. How is this possible? Chasing you? Trust? WHO THE FUCK IS CHASING YOU? 


Player's decision:

Will you leave the room?
[Yes] or [No].

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