Part 2: Room 483

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It was 2007

It was almost a year since Lana met the members of Tokio Hotel. It was just about ten months, and it was March now. Ever since then, the five of them have become almost inseparable. After months of pining, not-so-subtle flirting, and "innocent" kisses every time they were together, Lana and Tom had officially begun dating. It had only been five months since then, but the two spent every-waking day with each other whenever they could. Now, the Tokio Hotel boys had decided to throw a small get-together for Lana and her new-found success. The now seventeen year old had finally managed to form a band, record some demos, and get signed under the label her father worked for. She was happy to gloat that she practically did this all on her own.

Lana sat down on the couch on the patio, sinking into Tom's side as he placed his arm around her shoulder. It felt so natural for them, the way her hand fits perfectly in his, the way they made each other laugh, and how Tom found that he could really be himself when he was with her.

"No, we aren't playing truth or dare, that's stupid!" Bill protested as Lana sat down, just joining back into the conversation.

"Why not? We used to play it all the time," Gustav asked.

"I'm not exposing myself tonight," Bill laughed. Lana relaxed into Tom's side as he smiled at his twin on the verge of a laughing fit. Tom could practically see right through Bill. He wouldn't care to play truth or dare any other time, so it was odd that he was suddenly refusing to participate.

"No, I wanna play. I need to hear the story of the girl you and Tom shared," She pointed to Bill, the wine cooler bottle in her hand. The boys erupted in laughs as Bill sighed, covering his face with one of his hands in embarrassment, but he smiled it off anyway.

"Which one- Ow!" Tom started with a smirk before Lana grinned at him and poked his side with her index finger, Tom jolted a bit and grabbed her hand in his. It was bigger than hers, as it almost engulfed her hand. She tried to pull her hand away, but Tom was too strong. The arm he had wrapped around her shoulder went to her waist, pulling her close to him as she squealed with laughter. Tom laughed as he connected his lips to hers in a quick kiss. Bill swallows and looks away quickly, a little uncomfortable with the sight before him. At least his friends were happy, and he had to remind himself.

"Seriously, I wanna know," Her laugh had died down, her lips resting in a small smile as she turned her attention back to the others. Bill and Tom glanced at each other, almost in silent communication. Bill shrugged as Tom nodded once. Lana wore an interested smile on her face as she waited patiently.

"Well, when we were nine years old," Bill shrugged as he avoided Lana's gaze as she attentively listened to the story. "Tom was dating this girl that the both of us really liked, and she was our neighbor, as you know she was sixteen-"

At those words, Lanas jaw dropped as she gasped a bit in shock.

"I was dating her for a little bit, and Bill wanted to have his first kiss with her too," Tom interrupted him.

"I- Why?"

"Well when I was nine I thought, since my twin had his first kiss I had to have it keep up with him and do the same thing," Bill paused to chuckle at the utter ridiculousness of the situation.

"Bill actually took her-"

"Yeah, I took her from him when he was done with her,"

"I wasn't interested, so it was his turn,"

The twins talked over each other.

"Was that your first kiss?" She asked. They confirmed with a nod and a 'Ja'. Lana was in disbelief. She knew they had their first kisses young, but the story behind it was even more shocking.

"When was yours?" Georg asked. Lana thought for a moment, thinking back to when her first kiss was. It was with a boy a year older than her while she was on vacation in London one spring.

"Ah, ten, I think..." She answered. "No wait, I think my first real kiss was when I was thirteen or fourteen,"

That time was with her first girlfriend at the eighth grade dance before they left for high school. She smiled fondly at the memory.

"We had the first kiss at the same time, but I had sex first. Of course Bill's still a virgin," Tom commented. Bill chuckled in embarrassment. Lana slapped Tom's arm and scolded him.

"Shut up, you're so rude," She rolls her eyes.

"How old were you?" Tom then asked. She stayed quiet as she glanced around the others around them, suddenly feeling uncomfortable.

"You don't have to answer, Lana Tom's just being annoying," Bill spoke up. She thanks him silently with her eyes.

"Yeah, don't be annoying. I already told you Tom," She rolls her eyes as she crosses her arms over her chest. Tom cocks his head to the side for a bit, making sure she wasn't paying attention and mouths the words 'fifteen' to the other three. Georg chuckled as did Gistav but he just shook his head in disappointment in Tom for outing his girlfriend like that. Bill gave Tom a warning glare.

"Tom," He warned. This caused Lana and Tom to look at the black-haired twin. Tom dismissively looks away and continues his conversation with Gustav and Georg. Lana only slightly moves herself away from Tom, an action that didn't go unnoticed by Bill as he watched her hug her arms around her frame and look off to the ground. It made Bill just want to reach out to her, hold her in his arms and let her know that she didn't have to feel that way when she was with him. Bill couldn't tell how he felt about Lana, and as long as he was alive he would never tell her or anyone.

Later in the night, after everyone else had gone to bed. Bill still sat out on the balcony, leaning against the railing as he watched the lights in the city twinkle. A half-lit cigarette in between his fingers and his black hair with blonde streaks was down as he wore a beanie on his head. He couldn't sleep, not one bit. No matter how hard he tried, he tossed and turned for what seemed like hours. He sniffled as he looked down at the street below him.

"Ugh Bill...what are you getting yourself into," He mumbled out loud to himself as he hung his head low.

Lana sat up in Tom's bed and he was sound asleep beside her as he quietly snored. She gently picked his arm up from her waist and slowly laid it down on the comforter. Moving his dreads from the pillow as she stands, looking down at his shirtless, sleeping figure. He turns his head towards the other wall with a tired mumble. Pulling a pair of Tom's sweatpants from the floor to put them on as well as one of her tight black shirts and quietly leaving the bedroom, the click of the door behind her caused Tom to stir, but not enough to wake him. Lana tip-toes to the fridge, the bright light illuminating her face and nearly blinding her as she grabs a bottle of cold water to cure her dry throat.

Closing the fridge and turning towards the windows, she finally notices Bill on the balcony. She bit her lip as she walked to the door, hesitating her next move. She wanted to join him and see how he was doing, but then again what if he just wanted to be alone? She didn't want to be a bother and risk having him think she's nosey and annoying.

They had known each other long enough now for him to not think of her any differently.

It's not like she was going to sleep any time soon.


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