Y/n's Bio

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Name: Y/n

Last Name: L/n

Race: Human/Demon/curse

Gender: Male

Age: 16 years old

Hight: 5' 9" (175 cm)

Hair color: H/c

Eye color: E/c

Appearance: Y/n a special Grade jujutsu sorcerer and first-year student at Tokyo Jujutsu High and first-year student at Tokyo Jujutsu High along side Yuji itadori Megumi Fushiguro and Nobara kugisaki. Y/n is a relatively tall person, and same Hight as Megumi. He is a muscular young man with S/c skin and E/c. He has H/c short hair and black earrings on, with a C/s scarf around his neck that was gifted from Gojo that covers his mouth, because he was insecure about how he looked and covers most of his face so people don't see him as a monster. He has cat like eyes, and his nails are sharp and a N/c color with his teeth being Demon/vampire, like. Y/n technically where is a standard Jujutsu high uniform with a dark blue jacket over a long-sleeved white dress shirt. His uniform pants match his jacket and only reached to just above his shins. Wearing long white socks that covers his exposed ankles and finishes his outfit with low-top gray shoes. He also has a gray and white tracksuit for training.

In middle school, Y/n wore the Saitama Urami East Junior High uniform, which consisted of a tan jacket over a white dress shirt with black pants and white sneakers. while sneaking inside the Gechinko Fight Club, with Megumi. Y/n wore a dark C/h colored hoodie and matching pants with his normal shoes.

 Y/n wore a dark C/h colored hoodie and matching pants with his normal shoes

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(You can have long hair if you want and you don't have the Eye bags)



(F/n L/n: decreased)

(M/n L/n: decreased)


Likes: training, reading, the peace and quiet, combat, helping others, Yuji's kindness and smile, his friends, His teachers.

Dislikes: seeing his friends, or anyone, he cares about hurt, showing any signs of fear or sadness, liars. Anyone hurting Yuji.

Personality: Y/n's personality is kind of like Megumi's, Y/n is a vary outwardly stoic, aloof, and calculating individual. He usually has a neutral facial expression that he rarely changes and appears to take every situation seriously, this contrasts with Yuji, Nobara, and Satoru's outgoing and goofy, personalities well except Megumi, Which he can always get along with easily. He's easily irritated and Yuji has noted that he has the same personality as Megumi and always seems like he's slightly angry, but Yuji can sense that he really is a nice guy and he would always try to make Y/n smile, but with no use because he can't tell due to the scarf around his neck, that's covering his mouth but even though that Yuji never notices Y/n smiles at him under his scarf.

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