SS1Chapter 1: Ryomen Sukuna

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(In the middle of the night, outside of Miyashiro Prefectural Sugisawa Third High School too Teenage boys can be seen walking towards what looks to be a little shed on the side of the school
As the two boys came out of the darkness you can see their appearances perfectly now, one of the boys was relatively tall, and Slim young man with fair skin and dark blue eyes. He has uniquely styled black hair with long spikes that jut out in every direction around his head, and wearing some kind of uniform, the other boy was tall and the same height as the other boy next to him. He is muscular young man with. S/n skin and E/c that look cat like. He has H/c short hair and black earrings on, with a C/s scarf around his neck.)

(The too of them stopped, and eyed the little shed the black haired male eyed the C/h head next to him as the C/h haired male shifted his eyes towards the male, and nodded his head to keep a look out. The black haired male started walking up to the shed with his hands in his pockets.)

(Mind) ???: "They're Keeping a cursed object in a place like this? Could they be any dumber?" (The black haired male reached his hand out, hand for the lock on the little shed as he stops for a second, noticing it was half open he then turns his head to the C/h haired male as the male shrugged his shoulders.)

(The black haired male put his focus on the shed again as he opens it, he then saw that the curse object wasn't there, he then puts half of his body inside the shed as he tries, looking for the curse object. He then gets on the ground as he tries, looking for it again, he then gets on the tiny shed as he turns his head side to side as he looks on top of it, he then opened and closed the tiny shed doors to see that possibly the curse object appear, and not even noticing that his C/h haired friend, witnessing all of this just only smiled, and giggled  a little to himself under his scarf)

???: "There's nothing here" (the black haired male says as he talks to someone on the phone while his C/h haired friend stands beside him, with his hands in his pockets)

???: "Huh?"

???: "The Stevenson Screen's empty." (C/h haired male spoke up as he sighs and closes his eyes as he doesn't want to think about what would happen if a curse would find that powerful curse object)

???: "For real? That's hilarious!" (The other male said on the other side of the phone)

???: "Maybe it took a nighttime stroll".

???/???: "i'm going to punch you/i'm going to punch you" (The too males said in sync as the other male on the line chuckled at them)

???: "We'll, no going home until it's recovered, okay?" (The other male said as he hung up on the phone. The black haired male put his phone down as he has an annoyed look on his face)

???: "I'm seriously going to punch him"

???: "Yeah, save me a punch will you" (the other male says as the black haired male nodded his head at the male beside him)





(The next morning students can be seen walking around the school area, as room with the sign on top of it, that said Occult Phenomenon Research Club)

???: "Ready to go?"

???: "what do you say?"

???: "Sasaki-senpai?" (A teenage girl with a determined look on her face with black colored hair that extend to below her ears and styled in a bob, blue eyes, and has brown glasses. She wears a school uniform with a begie colored vest over a white longsleeved shirt and diagonal stripped tie. She also has a dark blue skirt, with gray socks, and light colored shoes.)

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