One: Elayne

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For the first time in a really long time, I slightly regret who I slept with.

I opened my eyes, the bright lights caused me to close them again, flinching at the sudden morning sun. My head was banging so loud I was pretty sure a rock band was up there. I straightened my legs, taking my eyes one step at a time. I scanned the room, trying to remember what happened the night before. Beside me lay Sheila, a girl I had met only a few days ago but she already believed we were dating. I sighed, trying to sneak out before her infamous "why don't you stay for breakfast", could even be considered.

"Good morning, don't go home just yet," I turned, ready for her next words, "why don't you stay for breakfast?" I sighed. Sheila was a petite blonde girl with blue eyes, we met at a bar she was at and I was always up for new things. Sleeping with women was a new one recently, and I was positive she wasn't gay. Rather, I just liked to sleep with all genders.

I sucked in air through my teeth, signifying I was going to say no. "I just have things to do, you know?" I had her dress halfway on, still looking for my underwear.

"C'mon, it's not going to hurt anybody if you stay for 10 minutes, 15 tops. And if you're late to this thing you have to do, I'll take you." Sheila was sitting up now. This was one thing I hated about sleeping around. They were always so clingy, they wanted real relationships where they only belonged to them but I just wanted to live in the moment, I was quite hedonistic when it came to what her old folks would call being a rolling stone.

"Sheila, we've talked about this. I don't stay for breakfast-"

"You come for dinner, I know." Sheila finished off, she stood up, exposing her naked body. Another thing I didn't do was leave marks. I didn't want people thinking that I left them to mark what was hers or any weird thoughts people got.

Sheila walked over, sashaying her hips as she planted a kiss on my lips.

"If you stay any longer you may be late for your..." Sheila looked at my neck, before making eye contact with me again, "thing." She strolled past into the restroom. I got the rest of her dress on, and before Sheila came out of the restroom, I was already outside. The cool breeze knocked off some of the hangover that was still in me after Sheila, I stumbled across my parking lot, making it to my apartment in one whole piece.

I almost cried as I looked at my schedule, I had about 3 hours to nap and some new guy wanted a... I squinted trying to read it.

"Harry Hazewood is down for a...Happy Ending?" I whispered out loud, ready to cry even more thinking about some creepy old man paying me extra for a happy ending when nothing can pay for the therapy I'm going to need after sucking old man dick. I bury my face into my covers, closing my eyes.

"Alexa, alarm for 4 o'clock." I sighed, drifting off into sleep.

My eyes fluttered open, pressing the button on Alexa for her to stop. I stretched, feeling better than I had before. I glanced at my workbook quickly, scanning it for names and what I would be giving them.

As a masseuse who owns her own business I usually did everything by myself, but that got harder as more people booked up, and I would have to start thinking of hiring sooner or later.

I slid on the gray tunic which cinched my waist, sliding on the matching pair of slacks and medical scrubs. I would have to drive to the office, which I never liked, the driving, I mean. Driving was something I did to gaze at scenery and just have a nice time. I rolled my eyes, turning the key and pulling out.

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