Reyna is a bad patient, Thalia is trying her best, and Hylla knows all

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*Note: This book is in the same universe as my first book "The Adventures of Thalia and Reyna: A Hunters of Artemis Tale" so if you haven't read that, some things might be a bit confusing for you.

Hey guys, sorry it's been a while, life has gotten in the way of my writing recently. Hope your summer went well! My next chapter has a little surprise, so hopefully that will make up for my absence. Keep writing!


Synopsis: Thalia takes care of Reyna while she recovers her strength

Thalia's POV

"Reyna! For Zeus's sake!" Thalia ran out of New Rome's infirmary. Reyna had snuck away when Thalia fell asleep...again.

It's not that Reyna was trying to be difficult, she was sure. It's just that she had a hard time resting. Thalia had put Reyna on a strict schedule to get her back to good health.

Reyna didn't like her schedule very much.

"Reyna! You can't go Pegasus riding right now!" Thalia didn't want to be overbearing, but Reyna just refused to rest and regain her strength. She didn't know what to do.

Reyna was currently attempting to mount her Pegasus, Guedo. Her aching muscles and exhaustion were probably making that very difficult.

It didn't take much effort for Thalia to pull Reyna off of the Pegasus and into her arms. Reyna didn't look happy about it, but it had probably taken all of her strength just to run outside, so she didn't fight back.

Thalia marched Reyna right back into the infirmary and gently placed her back in her bed.

"I'm about ready to tie you to this bed, Arellano." Thalia scolded her.

"It's Ramirez-Arellano." Reyna huffed. "And I'm better now! It's been a whole week since we defeated Orion's crazy ex-girlfriend."

"I know that." Thalia did her best to be understanding. She knew it was difficult for a demigod to relax for long periods of time. "But you need to regain your strength. It will take time."

"I know!" Reyna snapped. She turned her head and rolled onto her side, not looking at Thalia.

Thalia sighed. Reyna had been getting more irritated with every passing day, but somehow Thalia's patience remained. She was determined for Reyna to get better. She wouldn't leave her no matter how many times she fought back.

But for the life of her, she couldn't figure out why Reyna was acting this way. It seemed to be more than just being bored. Reyna wasn't acting like herself. She wouldn't relax, and she barely slept, no matter how exhausted she looked.

Perhaps there was more to her ailments than meets the eye? But Thalia couldn't ask the New Rome healers for advice. They barely knew anything about Reyna's powers, or her overuse of them, and neither did she.

But there was one woman who did.

"Reyna, I've been thinking," Thalia sat on the edge of her bed. "I want to go and talk with Hylla. She's the one who knew about your strength leaving you in the first place, and I thought she might have some ideas about how to help you now."

Reyna still wouldn't look at her, but she nodded. "Alright." She hugged herself as if cold, and said nothing more.

"Will you be okay while I'm gone?" Thalia tucked Reyna's sheets around her. "It'll only be for an hour or two."

Reyna seemed distressed for a moment, but then cleared her throat. "Yes, I'll be fine."

After everything Thalia and Reyna had been through together, she was able to tell when Reyna was not okay. She remembered when Reyna had first found out she was not well. Reyna had been afraid to ask her if she'd stay with her to see the healer.

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