Chapter 4

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I slept in a little too late the next morning so I had to rush through getting ready (not that it took me very long in the first place). I grabbed my white hoodie that had a giant black mustache on it and put on the pair of skinny jeans that were on the floor. I ran a comb quickly through my short black hair and was out the door in less than thirty minutes. There was only a minute before the bell rang when I slid into my chair.

"Nice one, Slick," Warren said mockingly.

I glared at him, "Well aren't you all that, Mr. Perfect."

"Finally you get it," he said and stroked my thigh.

I slapped his hand as hard as I could and he pulled his hand back quickly. "I told you last night; those pervy moves won't do you any good unless you're masochistic, which I am seriously considering that you are."

Mr. Sneads came in just then and I straightened up and stayed focused ahead. Warren continued to only half listen, but he seemed to know all the answers, which was irritating beyond belief.

He continued to annoy me throughout the day. After school, a group of guys called me out to the equipment shed behind the school.

"What do you guys want?" I asked irritably and stepped inside.

The door behind me slammed shut and I couldn't get it open.

"Just a little payback from those who you rejected," One of the guys said and I heard the lock click.

"You bastards!" I yelled and banged on the door, "This is all 'cause I don't wanna date anyone? You guys knew this before! You idiots!"

There was complete silence on the other side; they had already gone. I kicked at the door, trying to break it down with sheer brute force (I'm pretty strong for a girl if you haven't noticed). I finally sank to the floor in defeat. The windows were at least six feet above the ground. God, it would be great to have a cellphone right now. I waited about an hour before trying to get out again.

"Is there anyone on this goddamn planet that can hear me?!?" I yelled.

There was a strange noise outside and a familiar face popped into view. "Kris?" Warren said.

I gaped at him, "What the–"

"You were late to my lesson. Georgia said that she saw you headed this way after school and then I heard someone yelling. Now come on lets go."

Relief flooded my mind as I placed boxes on top of each other into a makeshift tower until I could reach him. He stuck half his body though the window and pulled as hard as he could. Whatever he was standing on gave way because he was propelled forward and my tower also collapsed and we tumbled to the ground.

There was a sharp pain in my side and Warren was on top of me.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

He stood up and looked down at me, laying flat on the ground. "Yeah, you cushioned my fall. Are you hurt?"

"Nah, I'm fine." I stood up and grabbed my side from the pain.

"No you're not you liar. Sit back down and rest. I'll try to find us a way out." He gently helped me to the ground and leaned me against a crate.

It seemed as though an eternity had passed since I got locked in here. Warren had no phone service and the door wasn't budging. Finally, I heard the lock click  and a group of guys who were most likely the ones who started this stepped in.

"So you learn a lesson Kri– wait what is he doing in here? You're the new guy right?"

Warren glared at them, "So you guys were the ones that did this?"

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