Chapter 14

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Warren grinned evily. "First stop Aiden's! Lessgo!" he said and led the way through the front doors of the mall to his car.

Aiden's parents seemed pleased to see us, and they didn't throw me out, which was a good sign. Aiden seemed all right too, just a little stiff.

"Hey guys!" he said cheerfully and ran over to us.

"Woah, take it easy," Warren said and steadied him as he nearly fell from the sudden pain.

"He's actually right," I agreed, "I had two cracked ribs earlier this year and it hurt like hell. Movin around actually doesn't help, so don't weight lift or go running."

Warren gasped, "Did you do that? After the doctor specifically told you not to? Are you insane?!? Why?"

I shrugged, "Dunno. I thought working out would help. Like the more you move it, the less it hurts. Yeah, that didn't work out; it just caused agonizing pain."

Warren looked pretty pissed. "There's a reason they tell you not to do those things!"

"No quarreling you two," Aiden said, "Now let's get going; Becky's waiting."

I cocked my head to the side, "Why's she waiting?"

"Warren didn't tell you? We're goin on a double date today!"

I glared at Warren and he smirked, "Twenty-four more hours."

I gritted my teeth, but said nothing. This was going to be painful for me. We all got into Warren's car and drove to Becky's house. She got in and we were off to an unknown location. No matter how much I pestered Warren, he wouldn't tell me a thing. 

We ended up at the movies. The guys decided on a horror film; probably because when we girls get scared they can feel all macho and manly as we cling to them. That may have worked for Becky and Aiden, but Warren was out of luck. I loved horror movies and ooooed and ahhhhhed at the slaughter of people.

"You're no fun," Warren muttered under his breath.

I grinned, "What'd you expect?"

"Maybe I should've taken you to see Grey's Anatomy."

I laughed sarcastically, "It wouldn't scare me. I can watch hospitals on screen, just goin in them is scary."

I lied about that. They took one of the guys to the hospital and it made me shudder. I grabbed Warren's hand and he squeezed it reassuringly. Dammit; he won this round.

After the movie, we went out to eat early at a cheap restaurant.

"It's only five," Becky said as we left, "Do you guys wanna do something else?"

Warren smirked, "I have an idea."

He whispered it to the other two and they had the same smirk as him.

"What is going on?" I asked suspiciously. Not a word from anyone, just big stupid grins. "Fine," I said and cracked my knuckles, "I can always make you talk."

Aiden and Becky gulped and Warren stepped in front of them. 

"You won't touch them," he said in an annoyingly cocky tone, "Twenty-four hour rule. Now, let's continue, shall we?"

I glared at him, but did nothing.

"Twenty-four hour rule?" Beck inquired.

Warren grinned, "Kris has to do whatever I say for the next twenty-four hours because I let her... nevermind that's not important."

"Because he let me keep this picture," I finished and showed them my artwork.

Aiden tried to hold in the laughter, but he failed miserably. "Oh god Warren," he gasped in pain from laughing so hard, "That's awesome!"

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