Chapter 14

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When you leave the pm, you wander everywhere in Yokohama city.

Until you come to a stop in front of the cafe and decide to go inside.

When you already inside the cafe you notice the calm atmosphere and the way that the cafe is decorating in a simple style that match the calm atmosphere, there's isn't much people in the cafe that make the cafe even more comfortable for you.

When you're looking for a table to sit, you notice a young man sitting at one of the tables and he's looking at you, when he knows that you see him, he waves his hand at you calling you to sit with him.

You feel familiar and you walk toward him, taking a sit in front of him.

Now you can see him clearly now, he has black hair and a beautiful green eyes, his hat is sitting carelessly on his head and he looking straight at you like he's trying to analyze you, before you could say anything he put on his glasses and start introduce himself.

"My name is Edogawa Ranpo. I'm the smartest detective that you know and you might wonder how I know you or should I say how I knew that you were here, well I'm going to answer that question but~ first, are you not going to introduce yourself first? And it'll be easy for me to explain"
He says as taking out one of the candy and put it in his mouth.

Now you know this man, he is no one other than the genius detective Edogawa Ranpo, he's also an important character in the story too, but the thing that worries you right now is he might be able to tell whether you tell lie or not base on his intelligent, so you must choose your answer carefully or you will doom not only that because of your appeared make the main story line getting mess up and now you meeting him that doesn't even show in the main story line.

After a long silent, you finally speak up

"Nice to meet you, my name is Y/N. May I know the reason why you want to meet me?"

"Good question."
He said with a wink and pushed his glasses up a little and replied.

"Well, I come here because someone told me so... But right now that person is already gone from this world... Can you guess who that person is?"

You think a little bit before answer.
"Shoko, she's my sister, did she told you to come here?"

"You're smart than how she described you. she didn't told me to come here.. but~ she ask me to do her a little favor at first I don't agree but after listen to her talking about you and your sister is smart enough to make me own her a favor so I will have to repay her but now after seeing you today.

I'll agree to this favor that she's asked for and I'm figuring out that you would be here today, are you curious what favor she asked from me?"

You shake your head.
"Yes, but first I'm curious how the two of you met"

"Well~ on one rainy day, I was having trouble with money because I forgot to bring it and I don't have any money to pay for my snack but thankfully, your sister was there and she pay for my snack not only that she even give her umbrella to me for me to return back too, and I can tell that she's kind but the way that she approach me totally full of intentions.

And next time I met her in this cafe, I saw her through the window and she called me over, that's when I fully figure out"

Flash back:

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