Episode 1 WitchBottle

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In Wallachia 1475, Lisa along with Valeria was tied up against the pole while the Bishop started to burn them alive cause they thought they called her a witch doing some witchcraft. The Bishop mistook the medical implements and herbs in her home, the very same she had received from Dracula years before, for "witchcraft". With her last breath.

"Valeria: MOTHER, NOOO"

Valeria finally broke free from the rope making everyone shocked and move back away while she was screaming in pain for her mother to burn alive.

"Lisa: My daughter look at me"

Valeria Looked up at her mother with blood tears running down her face while her mother gave her one last smile.

"Lisa: Listen to me? I will always love you remember that"

Then after Lisa's last breath, everyone celebrated but Valeria Stood up and glared at everyone with a dangerous glare that could kill someone

''The Bishop: I believe she's exhorting Satan not to take revenge on us, which I suppose is almost commendable, for a witch. Perhaps I'll say a prayer for her. A small one.''

"Valeria: You bastard? You burn my mother"

"The Bishop: She did witchcrafting."


After that Dracula returns from traveling abroad and arrives at their cottage only to find it in ruins, after being burnt down.

:Dracula: What happened here? where my wife and my Daughter''

Then Mrs. Djuvara came over with a bouquet and placed them down on the burned wood

"Mrs. Djuvara: the church people took them away and She said you were traveling."
"Dracula: "I was. The way men do. Slowly. No more. I do this last kindness in her name along with my daughter. She loved you humans and cared for your ills. Take your family and leave Wallachia tonight. Pack and go, and do not look back. For no more do I travel as a man."
Dracula was very mad that they killed his wife and took his daughter away and now he is coming after them before vanishing in a whirlwind of flames before her.Targoviste

Back In Targoviste, the city square, the fire begins to die, leaving nothing of Lisa but a blackened skeleton while Valerio is still mad at them for burning her mother alive and now they all have to deal with Dracula's rage.

The Mayor of Targoviste congratulates the Bishop for his vigilance, remarking that his actions have assured him a place in heaven.

The Bishop: I should minister to the Archbishop. I fear he's not long for this world, to be honest.

Mayor: Off to heaven with him, eh? I suppose that's the ultimate goal for you priests, serving God in His true house and all that.

''The Bishop: It holds little appeal for me, to be honest.

''Mayor: Really?''

''The Bishop: There's so much left to be done on earth. Wallachia could be God's own country had I but time to burn out all the evil that hides here.''

But then They are interrupted as Dracula's visage appears in smoke and flames over the pyre making Valeria smile happy to see her father appear.

" Dracula: Where is my wife and my Daughter"

"Valeria: Father!"

Dracula Looks down to his reality that his daughter is alive but with a sad look on her face.

"Dracula: My Daughter... I'm glad you alright? But where is your mother"

She look down then glares at the Bishop and the mayor and slowly points her finger at them.

"Valeria: They burned my mother alive Father"

The Bishop tries to convince people that Dracula isn't real, just a fiction who "justified the practice of black magic" and his appearance is nothing to fear, only further proof that Lisa was a witch. 

Dracula along with Valeria is even more enraged, telling the crowd that his wife is a woman of science and the one reason in the world for him to tolerate humanity's "stink" on the land. By taking her from him, he promises, they have signed their death warrants. He allows the people one year to make peace with their Lord, after which he will return with an army and purge all of humanity from Wallachia.

Valeria vanished as well then appeared inisde the castle next to her father in a room who was getting ready to bring hell to humanity but Valeria was sitting in a chair looking down feeling sad and Dracula walk towards her and gently kneel in front of her.

"Valeria: I miss her father"

"Dracula: I know my daughter... but they will pay"

He kisses her head gently while Valeria sighs gently. But then heard heavy footsteps and saw Alucard along with his mate Roselle the werewolf.

''Dracula: One year. It will take me one year to summon an army from the guts of Hell itself!
''Alucard: No.

''Dracula: What do you mean, no? That woman was the only reason on earth for me and Valeria to tolerate human life!

''Roselle: Then find the one who did the deed. If you lose an army of the night on Wallachia, you cannot undo it, and many thousands of people just as innocent as her will suffer and die.

''Dracula: THERE ARE NO INNOCENTS! Not anymore! Any one of them could have stood up and said, "No, we won't behave like animals anymore."

''Alucard: We won't let you do it. I grieve with you, but I won't let you commit genocide and Valeria is still a child father.''

Dracula growls and attacks Alucard and Rosella but Dracula hits his daughter-in-law hard and sends her toward the ground She lets out a scream in pain while Alucard is shocked before they where heavily wounded from the fight and heads out to the secret place to rest.

A year after Lisa's death, the day of her burning is being celebrated as a festival. Outside the cathedral, the  Archbishop congratulates his flock (and, by implication, himself) for their piety and their success in earning God's love. 

He scoffs that "the Devil" tried to frighten them with empty threats, but here they are, one year later, alive and well, with nothing to fear from the Devil's "lies and illusions". But as he finishes speaking, the sky darkens with clouds, and blood rains from the sky, turning the crowd's happiness to horror and panic. Along with the blood, droplets fall fetal corpses, looking like the failed offspring of bats and demons.

The cathedral's windows shatter, raining huge shards that impale the Archbishop and his priests. The Arch-Bishop has just enough life left in him to look up and see flames envelop the cathedral and form Dracula's face.

 He says he gave the people a chance to flee, but instead of heeding his warnings, they are celebrating the day of his wife's murder. In an explosion of fire and thunder, Dracula's castle arises amid Targoviste, disgorging an army of monsters that massacre the inhabitants and immolate the rest of the city. 

Dracula orders them, once Targoviste is empty, to spread through the rest of Wallachia. Vaierla was now adult walking throught the city wearing her cloack and next to her was her trusty lycan watching everyone is kill by there night creature.

"Daracula: Daughter?"

She stop then look up at her father who give her a gently smile.

"Dracula: I know this is you pathto choose but just to remember.... I will always love you my daughter"

"Vaierla: I love you too father... until we meet again"

She watching turn into bunch of bats she started to walk away with her compaion heading off to find two peole to awaken my brother and my Sister in law from there slumber to defeat dracula.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2023 ⏰

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