Chapter 3

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~Sadie's POV~

Later today we're all going over to Cora, and by all of us I mean: myself, Cora (obviously), Sophie and of course Evelyn. Luna had some other stuff and couldn't make it. We basically planned a game-night, with boardgames and maybe a movie or two.


A few weeks ago, Evelyn got sick and I haven't seen her for quite a while. Maybe a week. It's been torture. It has gotten to the point where when I don't see everyday, I am not as happy as usual. I remember vividly when she sent me the message where she told me she was sick.

I was with Avery, and we had planned to just go for a walk, like we usually do. It was dark, cold and unfortunately winter. After having bought a soda each, I got a Pepsi while Avery got a Sprite, we went to our old school.

It's a great place to meet up since it's not that far from Avery's house. In addition, there's a lot of old memories there. We often reminisce back to the old days and think about how easy our lives were.

Anyway, we were sitting on these two swings in the dark. I was talking about Evelyn, like always. I'm afraid it's going to bore Avery to death soon, but she seems okay. I talked about stuff that happened at school, the times she looked at me a little too long, the laughs we shared and the one time she touched my arm. I know it's nothing, but it still made my body temperature rise.

"Wait, was that the 'big' thing that happened yesterday?" Avery asked, "She only touched your arm?". She looked at me with a plain face.

"Well, yeah. But didn't you hear how my body got a little warmer?" I shot back at her.

"Omd, Sadie...It's beginning to be a little depressing. You are reading way to much into the situation", she commented.

"Maybe I'm not, you don't...", I said hastily, but before I could finish my sentence, Avery interrupted me by saying.

"I don't know her. Yes, I know that, but if she liked you back, don't you think she would give you some signs?". Her face showed pity, which I did not like at all. I knew I was delusional. It would never happen, because she didn't like me back. However, there was something that made me hang on to her. For some reason, these feelings wouldn't fade away.

Avery kept repeating herself. She was giving some advice I didn't hear clearly, because I got a message from Evelyn. I just couldn't resist looking at it. The thought of Evelyn, made my mind wander. My body went cold and I stopped breathing.

Avery noticed. "What is it? Is something wrong?", she asked a little worried.

"It's Evelyn", I said.

"Wait, is everything okay?" Avery quickly asked. "Sadie?".

"I just got a message", I said with sorrow in my voice. The tension was building, I could feel it. "She is sick".

"What? Is she in the hospital?" she asked a little bit more worried now.

"No, she...she...", I started. "She got the flu".

"Was that all?" Avery said and gave me a tired look.

"No, that's not the thing I'm upset about. Evelyn is not coming to school tomorrow. And not for an entire week", I said dramatically.

"Really, Sadie? You got me worried over nothing", Avery mumbled.

"It's not nothing, Avery. I don't get to she her for a week. Do you understand?".

She sighed. "Pull yourself together and quit being overly dramatic". I looked down and rolled my eyes.

The rest of our walk was a downer. I would say it was ruined. We walked a little around the school and talked about some old stuff, but all I could think about was that I wouldn't see Evelyn for over a week. What a disaster.

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