Chapter 12 - An unaccepted apology

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Hello followers. That sounds kinda creepy doesn't it? It does to me anyway. Anyway here is another update to feed your cravings. It might not be very long but hopefully you will enjoy it either way. Enjoy :D



Dropping to the ground, the bowl smashed and the cereal spilled everywhere. There stood in the doorway was the guy I wanted to see the least. The guy who I wanted to die right here and now. The guy who was looking at me with concern in his eyes. The guy who........ Wait what?

There was a concerned looking Ryan stood in the kitchen doorway watching me as I dropped the bowl and let it smash into a million pieces.


Eilsa's POV

The silence in the kitchen continued as Ryan and I just stared at each other. I had a feeling my face had turned bright red with hatred towards him whereas his was still coated with concern.

I suddenly broke our eye contact by bending down to pick up the pieces of pottery that were spread across the kitchen floor. Carefully picking up the little pieces with one hand and placing them in the other, I heard footsteps coming across the room.

There was a sudden presence in front of me and I glanced up to face the guy I wanted to see the least of all. Looking back at the floor I continued to pick up the little pieces until I was suddenly pulled up by a strong pair of arms.

My hand suddenly stung and I looked at it to see why. There was a piece of pottery lodged into my palm and there was blood pouring out. You see, just before Ryan so rudely yanked me up, I was about to place a piece of pottery into my open palm. The only problem was that when he dig yank me up, my other hand moved to fast and I ended up stabbing my palm with the piece of pottery that I was holding.

"What are you doing!" I screamed at him as I tried to pull myself away from his grasp.

"Your going to hurt yourself. Here let me help you." He said sounding quite sincere but for reasons known, I didn't believe him.

"No. Why should I let you help me? You think that I will hurt myself? Stop bullshitting. If you really cared about my feelings at all you wouldn't have said those horrible things to me last night."

"Eilsa I'm......." He started before I cut him off.

"Don't you even bloody dare say your sorry. You think you can just say that stuff to me and then expect that a sorry will just fix it all? Someone needs to smack you round the head if that is the way you think because I am telling you that a little stupid 'sorry' isn't going to fix this. I would rather have my whole body pierced with little bits off pottery and me bleed to death, than have to spend one more moment with you again. Okay get that into your thick skull otherwise I will find something that I can whack on the back of your head to pull you back to reality." I said as I finally paused for a breathe

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