Chapter 17 - I can not love him....... or can I?

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Hello guys. Thank you everyone who took part in naming the last chapter of my story. I really liked all the entries but I have decided. I also put this in my last chapter at the end but just in case you never read it, I decided to put it here as well. Anyway here is the next chapter.


"Oh what about a double chocolate chip ice cream sundae with caramel sauce?" His eyes widening as he read it.

"Oh that sounds yummy. That one please." I said as if I was six again. To be honest it had been a while since I had an ice cream sundae.

Chuckling he managed to say, "Okay then. Waiter?" The waiter we had before came over to our table and took out his notepad. "May we please have the double chocolate chip ice cream sundae with caramel sauce?"

"Yes. Coming right up. And is that with two spoons?" The waiter questioned.

"Yes please." I answered.

"Okay then. Please wait." The waiter said before he walked off towards the kitchen.


Eilsa's POV

Our conversation turned more and more personal. I was fine with it at first but after a while, I started to realise that is sounded like we were already a couple. With all the new information coming, I felt like his girlfriend already and to be honest it was kind of scaring me. I had never told anyone this much information about myself before, not even Sophie and that concerned me.

"I'm sorry Ryan, but this conversation is getting a bit too personal. I have never told anyone as much information about myself as I have told you tonight, not even Sophie. I am sorry but can we please change the subject." I said.

My eyes started to water as I recalled that horrible day. The memories that I had managed to lock deep into the back of my mind, started to flood back into my head. I couldn't help it as the tears started streaming down my face.

I tried to avoid Ryan's worried gaze as much as I could but eventually I couldn't do it any more. I glance up to look into his eyes and I just started crying more. He looked genuinely worried, I could tell by the look in his eyes.

"Are you--" He started before I cut him off.

"I'm fine Ryan," I said forcing a smile. "I swear."

"No you're not. Tell me what's wrong. You don't have to tell me everything but I would like it if I could at least know the basics." He said as he lent across the table and took my hand in his.

Taking my hand back, I looked down and mumbled,"I'm sorry. I can't. It pains me too much to talk about it. Sorry."

I thought that he was going to leave it alone as he was quiet for while. But that silence was broken when I heard his chair moving. Lifting my head up and saw him bringing his chair round to sit next to me.

Taking my hand back in his, he turned my face with his other hand so I was facing him and then gave me a warm, genuine smile before saying, "You can always trust me Eilsa. If you don't want to say anything now, you don't have to but I will always be here if you want to talk about it okay?"

I didn't reply. Instead I just nodded my head. He seemed to be please with that though as he stood up again and took his seat back round his side before sitting down and taking my hand back in his.

"Now. Change of subject. I can't wait for the ice cream sundae to get here. I haven't had one in years."He said emphasising the 'years' before chuckling slightly.

I couldn't help but laugh lightly, finally wiping away the stray tears. I was glad that Ryan was the pain in the ass that I thought he was going to be, even though he was one at the beginning. It seemed that I had judged him wrong and I admitted that maybe I had been too rough on him.

"So Eilsa, do you know where your parents are going that you came to stay with us?" Ryan said as he took a sip of his water.

"Oh well they got married quite a while back but because of my dad's job as a chef, they never really had the time to go on their honeymoon. Luckily my dad's work just gave him a 2 month vacation as the place he is working at is needing refurbished. He was only meant to be getting 1 month off but because he had many holidays saved up, he asked to take two months off. So because of that they finally had time to go on the well deserved honeymoon that they both needed."

"Oh really. Your dad's a chef? That's cool. Maybe he can teach me a thing or two as I can not cook to save my life although I do try. That's sweet that they are finally getting to go away. May I ask, but how long have your parents been married?" He questioned as he took his hand away from mine and rested his chin on both of his hands.

"Well they have been married for about 10 years. They wanted to get married earlier but I came as kind of a shock to them because as much as I hate to say it, I wasn't really planned. They thought they might just try without the condom and hope they got lucky but my mum turned out pregnant. I'm not saying that I was a disappointment to them, I mean they were thrilled but they just never really expected a child. So they wanted to wait until I was old enough so I could walk so that they could get married. But by the time I could walk, my mum had found out that she was pregnant again, with my little brother. So they waited until he could walk until they finally decided to get married." I described to him without thinking too much about it.

"So they have been married for quite a while then? That's sweet. You mentioned a brother there, how old is he?" He said, curiosity taking over his mind.

I froze in my seat, my eyes clouding over with tears again.

I struggled to keep my tears in but managed as I nervously said, "D-Did I? Oh well um never mind. It doesn't matter."

"Oh my god, Eilsa don't cry." He said as he lent across the table and started caressing my cheek. "It's okay. You don't have to answer. I didn't know it was such a soft topic. If I did then I never would have asked. I'm sorry."

"I-It's okay. I'm sorry I am keeping so much from you but I just can't risk telling you it. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I don't care. You don't have to say a thing till your ready." He reassuringly said.

"Okay. Thank you Ryan. I'm glad I can trust in you." I forced a smile as I said those words. But it was true. I believed that I could trust him, despite everything that went on between us two.

He just smiled as he mentioned, "That's good. You can always trust in me no matter what."

I felt like I had just grown closer to him in the past couple hours. I know it sounds strange but I really did. I felt that he was more of a friend now rather than someone that I despised and for some reason, I actually liked it.

"It is really true what people say, hate can turn to love." I thought to myself

Wait love!!!! Did I just say love. No this can not be right. I do NOT love Ryan. I can't love Ryan. I like him as a friend but I do NOT love him. I mentally slapped myself for thinking that and I tried to distract myself from that thought by looking around the restaurant and reading the posters on the wall.

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