Chapter 1 - Meet

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Griffin's POV:

My parents thought it would be a good idea to switch schools- and neighborhoods. They said I will meet new friends here, but I haven't had luck anywhere else. Nobody really knows who I am. So here I am, the morning of school in North Denver. I used to live up south.

On the first day of school every year, I get up early to try to make sure I have everything for the big day. So, I packed my lunch, grabbed my notebooks, and of course, realized that I still have an hour before I need to get to school. I decided to take a walk.

On my walk, I just kept thinking about if my parents are right or not. Like if I will meet a friend- or maybe a boyfriend. I haven't had much luck getting them in the past. Never had one. I'm definitely not straight- girls are weird. Maybe this year will be different.

As I was walking, I see an adorable golden retriever. He's following this kid- I think he's the paperboy. He has newspapers in his bike basket so that figures.

Oh, I love dogs.

Billy's POV:

Just like every day, I went delivering newspapers with my dog Harper. She's a good dog. She's the only person I love. I mean, I have had some girlfriends but girls are okay.

I'm bisexual. I haven't told anyone yet. I'm too scared to. But I really want a boyfriend.

I like:
Golden retrievers
The Broncos
Watching sports (not really playing tho)
Vanilla ice cream
The color red..

So anyways, I can't get this Madonna song out of my head, Angel, and it's so sweet. I wish I could describe someone to this song but, you know.. I haven't met the right person yet.


Griffin's POV:

Who is that fine man on the bike.

I COULDN'T HELP MYSELF, I MEAN. His blonde hair and his red Broncos jacket. Oh and his eyes. But I mean, he won't think of me like that. So I'll stop obsessing.

Billy's POV:

I was throwing a paper when I heard a small voice say, "Oh my, can I pet your dog please."

"Oh.. um sure!" I stopped the bike, so he could pet her.

The boy was around my age. Never seen him before. He was a little nervous petting the dog but I didn't say anything. I was nervous too. It's hard talking to boys. Besides my friends because they are just my friends of course. But he seemed sweet.

"So what's your name? I haven't seen you before I don't think."

"My name is G- Griffin, Griffin Stagg. And that's because I just moved here."

"Well I'm Billy.. Showalter- the paperboy."

"Nice to meet you, I guess I'll see you around?" Griffin said.

"Yup!" I pedaled away with Harper, carrying on with throwing my papers.

Griffin's POV:

I pinched myself. When I mean i pinched myself, I really did. This is a great start to North Denver.

He is like a dream. But, no. He will forget my name in a few minutes. Nobody really knows who I am anyway. Why get my hopes up if something won't happen.

Hey! I have school and stuff now but I'll try to update as much as I can on here!

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