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This is simply a welcome to this book, not a story. 

This book is made up of the different stories I have written and will have written in the future. I go at a slow pace, depending on the intensity and complexity of each story. If I ever post a friends story, I will 100% credit them, or anyone who inspired or gave me the idea for each story.

Some of these stories are intense, or contain blood, and possibly gore. I will put warnings before each story to warn you. If I missed something that I should put as a warning, let me know.

If you like a book cover I made and you want to use it, let me know. I like being credited for my work, and a simple, short sentence in the description would suffice. Remember to ask for my permission first. :)

I wouldn't mind hearing opinions on my stories. It lets me know what I should work on, and what's appealing to readers.

Thank you in advance. 


Your author, Grey

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