𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭 ★ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 1 ★

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Aoi Hono was working his daily shift at the café, like usual he was just cleaning and serving local customers their order. Before Aoi's day shift ended a girl with white messy hair walked into the café. Her hair looked really soft and poofy, she also had white fox ears sticking out of her head. Aoi really wanted to go up to the girl but he had to finish washing the dirty dishes that were waiting for him in the kitchen. He didn't want his manager to get mad at him and maybe even possibly fire him. All the thoughts and worries of getting fired and making his manager upset lead him in the kitchen to do his last a final task for today. Before Aoi could walk into the kitchen and finish his task, he was stopped by one of his co-workers. "Hey, Aoi can you serve the girl over there with the messy hair? I don't really feel like talking to people right about now. I'll wash the dishes if you do!" Aoi's co-worker seemed to be begging Aoi to serve the girl he wanted to talk to desperately. With no hesitation Aoi replied quickly. "Sure, man go ahead! Less work for me that's for sure!" Aoi laughed at his he made and walked over to the girl with a notepad ready to take her order. "Sup, what would you like?" The girl opened her mouth to speak but before she could Aoi cut her off. "WAIT! I know what you want! Green tea with a little bit of honey in it with also a little bit of sugar?" The girl nodded and smiled at Aoi. "Great! Alrighty, i'll be right back with your order ma'am!" Aoi rushed to the kitchen preparing to make the fox girl's order. His co-worker that offered to wash the dishes for Aoi looked at him with confusion. "Why are you in a rush? I never seen you act this way when your taking orders?" His co-worker paused for a minute and smirked at Aoi. "No, way dude! Don't tell me you think that fox girl is cute or something?" Aoi looked back at his co-worker with annoyed look on his face. "No, jackass! I just think she looks interesting! I have no interest in dating her or taking her on a date. I'm just trying to make friends dude, let me live!" Aoi's co-worker was still giving him a smirk look not believing any bit of what Aoi is saying. "Alright, man whatever you say!" Aoi rolled his eyes at his co-worker and finished making the girl that was sitting patiently at her booth tea. "You're so childish." Aoi walked out the kitchen with a cup of tea in his hand along with a slice of cheesecake.

He made his way to the girl's table. She was sitting at her booth patiently waiting for her order to arrive. "Here's your order, Hope you and enjoy! Oh, and also!" Aoi paused for a moment as he gave the messy haired girl a slice of strawberry cheesecake. "On the house!" The girl looked surprised and pleased at Aoi's little gift for her. "Thank you!" She looked Aoi and gave him a comforting smile and took a sip of her tea. "By the way, what's your name?" Aoi smiled back at the girl waiting for her to respond to his question. "Oh! Uh, my name is Yui Nuo." She put her cup of tea down and made eye contact with Aoi Hono. "Sweet name! My name is Aoi Hono but, you can just call me Aoi for short!" She looked at Aoi with confusion. He was acting like they were going to meet again or maybe stay in contact with each other. She was so confused they way Aoi was acting towards her but, she wiped the confused look off of her face; she didn't want to be rude. "Thank you, I like your name too! Very unique." Aoi looked at Yui Nuo with pride as she complimented his name. "Thank you!" Yui Nuo giggled at Aoi's reaction as she finished up her last pieces of food. "Hey, I've never seen you around here, how come?" Aoi looked at Yui Nuo with a confused and curious look on his face. "Well, there's a lot of people in Magaoplis that's probably why." Yui Nuo giggled and got up from her sit. "I should go now. I have stuff to do." Aoi stopped Yui before she could leave. "Wait! Can at least get your phone number or something? I really enjoyed speaking with you!" Yui was shocked at Aoi Hono's words. She smiled and nodded. Yui pulled out her phone Aoi did the same and they both exchanged phone numbers. "I should really get going. I'll see you soon!" Yui left the café with a smile on her face. Aoi waved goodbye to Yui Nuo as he saw here exit the café. "See you!" Aoi said happily. When Aoi's day shift ended he clocked out and grabbed his skateboard he came to work with. His skate board was painted black with skulls on it, his skateboard also had blue flames on the back of it. He skated his way out of the cafés doors and into the wonderful city called Magapolis. He started heading for the skate park doing tricks on his skateboard as he made his way there. When he made it to the park he started to skate around doing amazing flips and tricks. As he was skating he saw a girl with messy hair and fox ears sticking out of her head sitting on bench reading a book, it was Yui Nuo! Aoi didn't think he'll see Yui at the skate park out of all places. Aoi thought for a moment and got an idea to scare Yui just for fun and laughs. Aoi shape shifted into Yui the only differents was that when Aoi shape shifted into Yui his eyes stayed the same; A light blue color. Aoi hide snuck behind the bench Yui Nuo was sitting in and hid behind it. Aoi waited for a couple of moments before jumping from behind the bench and scaring the daylights out of Yui. When Aoi came from behind the bench Yui got so scared that she got up and kicked Aoi right in the balls. Aoi fell to the ground and started to groan in pain. Aoi shape shifted back to his normal self. "OW!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" Aoi yelled in absolute pain holding the area where Yui Nuo kicked him. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!? YOU DON'T JUST SHAPE SHIFT INTO SOMEONE AND SCARE THEM AND DON'T EXPECT THEM TO REACT!" Yui yelled at Aoi feeling a little frustrated and annoyed. "I DIDN'T EXPECT YOU TO KICK ME IN MY BALLS!" Aoi was still on the ground in pain. The other people that were at the skate park saw what was happening. Some people laughed others were concerned. "LOOK, I'M SORRY YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!!" Yui started to get less frustrated and more concerned for Aoi's health. "MY POOR CHILDREN!! I'LL NEVER HAVE KIDS NOW!" Aoi started to whine and cry on the floor in pain and sorrow. "I'M SORRY! HERE LET ME HELP YOU!!" Yui tried to help Aoi up off the ground. She used all of her strength to get Aoi off the ground. "I'm so, so, sorry! Hey, how about I get you some noodles as an apology" Aoi looked at Yui with a happy and excited look on his face. The sound of fresh cooked noodles sounded really good right about now and also Aoi hasn't eaten after since his got off work. The sound of getting some food made his tummy rumble. "That Sounds good right about now!" Yui giggled at Aoi's expression and smiled at him. "Alright, then! I know a good noodle shop around here, let's go!" The two of them headed off to go get some noodles from a noodle shop that was near by. The both of them stopped at a sign that said 'Pigsy Noodles'. Aoi looked at the sign and it made his stomach rubble even more. "LET'S GO IN!! LET'S GO IN!!" Aoi rushed Yui Nuo inside the front doors of 'Pigsy noodles.'

As they walked in the noodle shop a pig came from the back of the kitchen that was behind the front counter with his arms crossed. He looked like he ment business. "Yui! How are you this fine evening!?" The cold and blank expression on the pig's face changed quickly to a happy and comforting smile as he spoke to Yui Nuo. "I'm fine! I just brought a friend with me!" Yui then introduce Aoi Hono to pigsy. "This is my friend Aoi Hono we just ment at the café he works at!" Aoi looked over at Yui and smiled at her after looking at pigsy. "Sup, dude!" He held his hand out so pigsy could shake his hand trying his best to polite and kind as possible. Pigsy looked at Aoi's hand with a cold look then he looked at Aoi's face. His expression quickly changed again as he shook Aoi's hand. "Hey, i'm pigsy! The owner of this wonderful noodle shop!" Aoi smiled as he felt a rush of happiness flood his body. "I'll make those noodles for you!" Aoi stop pigsy as he shouted. "WAIT! Can you please my my noodles extremely hot? Please and thank you!?" Pigsy was shocked and confused as he nodded at Aoi's response. Pigsy went into the back of the kitchen as he started making the noodles. "This one is on the house! But, only this one!!" Yui shouted back at pigsy. "Alright!!" As Yui Nuo and Aoi Hono waited for there food they started talking to each other so, they could get to know one another a little bit more. "So, where are you from?" Aoi seemed really curious. Yui didn't look like she was from around here in the big city of Magapolis. "Oh, I was raised on a lovely farm with my two beautiful and wonderful mothers. "Woah, sick dude! I've never been on a farm before!" Yui Nuo giggled a little at Aoi's response. "Maybe I can take you there one day?" Aoi's eyes widened and started to jump around in his seat. "Really!? I would love that!!" Yui smiled at Aoi when she saw how excited he was to go to her families farm on day. "So, where are you from?" Aoi Hono stopped jumping around in his seat and got really serious. Aoi's reaction to Yui's question kinda scared Yui a little. Did she say something wrong? "You don't have to answer if you don't want to." Aoi looked at Yui with a sad and serious expression on his face. "Heh, I don't really know where i'm from, come to think of it I don't even remember my childhood...I don't remember anything...Nothing.." Yui looked at Aoi in complete shock. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Aoi didn't remember his childhood? Not even a tiny bit of it? "Do you at least know your parents? Siblings?" Aoi shook his head no while looking at Yui straight in her face. "You...don't remember..anything? Nothing at all?" Aoi put his head down on the front counter the two were sitting at. "Nothing.." Aoi voice soundly sad and miserable. "I don't have anyone. No, family...No, friends..I'm just all alone." Yui felt bad for Aoi as he spoke about how lonely he was in the big city of Magapolis. She thought for a moment and nudged Aoi. "Hey, come on! You're not alone! You've got me and i'll always be there for you! Even though we just ment but, that doesn't matter! I have a feeling were going to be the best of friends, just you wait!" Aoi picked his head up from the counter and smiled at Yui. "Thank you, Yui. I needed that." Yui nodded and smiler at Aoi Hono, patting him on the back. She was trying her best to comfort him. A boy with black-ish brown tinted hair walked into the dinning area of the noodle shop. He had a red bandana on along with a yellow jacket that had red pockets. His jack wasn't zipped up and showed his shirt which had a black circle with another circle in the middle of his shirt that was red. He wore red pants with black tennis shoes. "Hey, Yui!" He said with a smile being excited to see Yui at the noodle shop. Aoi turned around to see who was speaking to Yui. "Hi, MK!" Yui Nuo waved at MK with a big smile on her face. She was really happy to see her friend MK. "Oh, Hi Red Son! You died your hair blue? He waved at Aoi with a smile on his face as he walked over to him touching his hair. "What? Who is Red Son? I'm Aoi Hono." MK seemed to mistaken Aoi for a short-tempered red head that had anger issues. "OH! I thought you were one of my other friends! Sorry, my dude! MK rubbed the back of his head feeling a bit embarrassed for mistaking Aoi Hono for Red Son. "It's okay! It happens to thr best of us, my dude!" Aoi nudged MK's shoulder with his fist. MK laughed and looked at Yui who was smiling. "So, what are you guys here for?" Aoi looked at Yui Nuo as well. "Oh, were here for some noodles! Pigsy is cooking us up some!" MK nodded and smiled. "Alright nice!"

To be continued🥰

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2023 ⏰

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