The Last day of School

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Another wintry day was beginning in Elmore, which had been covered in snow for the past few weeks. The recent snowfall was so heavy and severe that the streets were icy and residents' plots were covered in a thick layer of white fluff that made it impossible for some to leave their homes. A perfect example was Gumball, Darwin and Anais's mother Nicole Watterson, who had to clear the snow from their plot every day before leaving, because the tractor with its front shovel pushing the snow off the asphalt, which was already covered in ice, slid the powder onto the entrance of the residents' houses. Apart from her, there was no one competent to do this - she didn't want to ask the children to do it and Richard didn't get up until 12 p.m. , after his marathons of watching TV series he didn't have the strength or desire to get up earlier. At the start of the problem Nicole asked Richard to clear the snow from the driveway, but when he wanted to clear the snow from the area he threw a shovel in the process which landed on the Robinsons' plot. This was the last time the Wattersons would see their shovel in one piece and due to their financial situation Nicole didn't want to spend money on such a blah affair as a shovel so she used a toy one that her children used when they were little.

Despite these problems, the spirit of Christmas was palpable in this eccentric house, and especially awaited by Gumball, who had been dying to get one ever since the 'ElmorePlay 5' arrived. It was the latest gaming console that allowed him to play the latest titles. Two days after the launch, Tobias, who got the device for no reason, bragged about it at school. He came from a wealthy family, so such gifts were not unusual. But not in the Watterson household. The $500 console was a device well beyond their budget, which was already tight. Sometimes they didn't have enough money for food let alone such expensive toys! Nevertheless, after many requests, Nicole let herself be persuaded for her son and promised him that if he was good he would get his promised gift. Specifically, she threw out the idea that if he was good, Santa would take pity on him and he would get such a present. As a 12-year-old child with no problems, Gumball bought it and since then the blue cat has never bothered with the same question again. As Nicole's mother, she didn't want to break her heart for her child by explaining that in fact presents are brought by her and Richard, so she indirectly agreed to the gift.
At 7.30 a.m. Gumball was the first to get out of bed, straightening up on his bed casting his gaze to the view out the window. The sun was just rising on the horizon illuminating the nearby houses, which were lit up with Christmas lights where other children were also waking up to head to school for the last day before the Christmas holidays.

The blue cat jumped off the bed knocking on the bowl where Darwin was sleeping to wake him up.

"Wake up Darwin, it's time for school! Last day !" Said Gumball briskly shaking the bowl Darwin slept in, who lazily opened his eyes looking at his watch.

"Hi Gumball, what time is it?" Asked the fish sleepily.

"7.30 a.m. come on!" Gumball replied. Darwin shook his head vigorously then jumped out of the bowl straightening his legs.

The two of them walked down the stairs to where Nicole was getting ready for work in the living room, going through her briefcase to see if she had taken all the documents.

"Hi Mum!" Gumball and Darwin called out together, greeting the blue cat.

"Hi kids, breakfast is already waiting for you in the kitchen, forgive me for having cereal again, but I don't have time to do anything else. I still have to shovel the snow in the driveway...I can't leave again and your father prefers to sleep until noon" replied Nicole. In fact, two bowls of cereal filled with warm milk were already waiting in the kitchen.

"It's all right Mrs Mum, cereal is the best thing for breakfast!" Darwin replied. Nicole smiled warmly towards the boys and went outside to start shoveling snow from the driveway.
Meanwhile, the two boys sat down behind the table and began eating their breakfast. The chocolate and caramel cereal was sweet and crunchy which gave them energy for the rest of the day, until lunch, which is not so tasty anymore because it is served by the school canteen, where they serve almost the same thing all week long (only some holidays they give something different then you have to wait in line for almost the whole long break!), But it is still more profitable than making the kids lunch at home.

The Amazing World Of Gumball: Christmas Fever Where stories live. Discover now