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I could smell the rancid alcohol before I even stepped foot in my house, I knew that whatever happens tonight I'll be okay, he can't kill me, it's just another day closer to be 18, another day closer to leaving and finding my real mum.

As soon as I opened the door he grabbed me pushing me up against the brick wall "WHERE WERE YOU" he slurs in my face whilst smashing me against the wall, I could feel a trickle of blood drip down across my forehead. "I had training remember I told you this morning" as soon as the words left my mouth I immediately regretted it , seeing his eyes turn dark, his face turn from nasty to pure hatred, despite me previously saying he wouldn't kill me, I thought this was the end, this is how I was going to die, I waited for the punches for the kicking for the slapping but instead all I heard was a zipper being unzipped I looked up  at him in horror as he forced me upon him ripping my clothes off and pushing me to floor making me follow his every command, I didn't know what to do all I could do was cry and cry, after an agonising 20 minutes he  got off me and went upstairs presumably to bed all though I couldn't be to sure.

He'd never done this before, he'd always hurt me but I never thought he'd go this far and I can't live with him anymore, I can't wait till
I'm 18 that's 4 years away.

I have never felt more lost then I was right now, I had no one to call, I have no money, no family, nothing but I knew deep down that I couldn't stay here I couldn't stay with him any longer I'd survived 1 year with him and I couldn't do another. My whole body ached and throbbed as I slowly got up and got changed, I couldn't risk going upstairs and packing a bag so I left with just the clothes on my back and my battered old phone.

It was about 7 ish, so not to late but as it was October the streets of London were dark and dangerous and I didn't know what to do, where to go, I debated going to the police and telling them my situation but then thought about how useless they'd be before, it's not like they'd believe me anyways I'm a troubled teenager with a past.

As I walked along the busy ish road I decided  to just sleep on one of the benches it's not the safest area but it wasn't to dangerous I'd just have to figure out what to tomorrow morning.

AN: please give any kind of feedback!! Also would love any suggestions of stuff you want mentioned in this story.
I'll try and update regularly as much as I can.

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